How Can You Help Your Child With School Fatigue?

School fatigue impairs children’s educational development as well as performing all kinds of school activities. It generates demotivation and makes your child withdraw, which hinders effective learning.
How can you help your child with school fatigue?

How can you as a parent help with school fatigue? It is a common problem  in children. It is the exhaustion and fatigue that students feel as a result of homework and school assignments. School fatigue can be caused by:

  • drowsiness
  • boredom
  • physical exhaustion
  • bullying

It usually leads to poor school performance. Children cannot concentrate, pay attention or understand certain subjects. In addition, school fatigue can be linked to other symptoms such as depression or anxiety.

This problem is common in many families today. The daily dynamics and life in general can be very demanding. If we add to that the pressure that school puts on children, the conditions are ripe for disturbances to manifest.

Why it’s important to help with school fatigue

Fighting school fatigue

School fatigue is a serious problem. A child who is tired cannot perform at school. Frustration is another feeling that can affect a child’s academic performance.

Sometimes the causes of this problem are not directly related to school. Conflicts in the family can also cause a child to be under-stimulated and unmotivated to learn and study. In many cases, children take the problems they have at home to school.

What can you do to help with school fatigue?

There are many measures you can take to help with school fatigue, so that your child can learn optimally. Ultimately, education is a passport to success in life, which is why it is important to tackle problems around schooling early on.

As parents, it is vital to always keep in mind that this problem should neither be avoided nor ignored. You should inform yourself about it and take an interest in your child’s education.

School fatigue can be a difficult problem to recognize at first. However, if you think your child is experiencing school fatigue, we’ll give you some brief guidelines on how to manage this condition.

1. Make sure your child gets enough rest

Rest is important for your child’s development. Your child’s hours of sleep affect school performance. Not sleeping well has a harmful effect on:

  • learning ability
  • concentration
  • optimal development

Experts advise that school-age children should sleep at least 8 to 10 hours a day. In addition, make sure that your child rests between the various activities he performs during the day. Rest is very important and that applies to everyone.

In fact, adequate rest will positively influence your child’s performance at school and reduce school fatigue. A tired child, on the other hand, will not perform well and may develop sleep disturbances or insomnia.

2. Stimulate learning in a healthy way

stimulate children

Effective learning is extremely important for your child. However, you have to stimulate them in a healthy way and make sure that they are not overloaded with knowledge or tasks. Nor should you turn their learning process into a traumatic experience. In addition, your child should not feel frustrated or bad if he or she does not understand something the first time.

Learning should not be a stressful process for your child. Their teachers should also use effective pedagogical techniques and teaching methods. Positive confirmation is an important part of education in this context.

3. Make sure your child is healthy

Your child’s learning processes depend on their health. It is therefore essential to take care of relevant aspects such as nutrition and hygiene. Be sure to take them to regular checkups with the pediatrician.

Make sure their school fatigue is not caused by health problems. If your child is not healthy or suffers from a condition, you should try to solve these problems.

It is also possible that the school rhythm influences your child. In that case, you need to act quickly and remember that good health is the most important.

4. Motivate them to never give up

Motivation and stimulation  can help fight fatigue. Your child should feel supported. Try to motivate him or her to learn as much as possible and let the importance of education penetrate.

Reward your child when you feel they are doing very well in school. Or, better yet, reward them after completing an assigned task. In short, make sure your child feels that you are involved in their education.

5. Contact their teachers

Make sure your child is healthy

Your child’s teacher can keep you informed about what’s happening at school with them. Establishing good communication with your child’s teachers is key to understanding their academic performance.

This is crucial to understanding and finding the solution to any problem your child may encounter in the classroom. In addition, we recommend that you ensure good communication with your child. Try to do the following:

  • Talk to your child.
  • Exchange ideas.
  • Discuss their feelings and concerns.
  • Especially discussing their school life.


School fatigue is a condition that can cause problems for your child and hinder learning. That is why you need to make sure that your child feels good in the school environment, gets enough rest and is healthy.

It is also essential to encourage your child to keep going and not give up. It doesn’t matter if they don’t have good grades because you can encourage them to improve themselves every day. You can encourage them to work in a healthy way and ensure that their school years are enjoyable.

Finally, you should be involved in your child’s education. Therefore, meet and communicate with their teachers. In addition, you can approach their schoolmates and friends. You should also make sure that your child is not a victim of other problems, such as bullying or harassment.

Another important recommendation is to make sure that your home is a quiet place and that you don’t argue with your partner in front of the kids.

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