Replace Commercial Cereals With Whole Grain Breakfast Cereals

Commercial grains are made to sell well, and they often contain unhealthy ingredients. Replacing commercial grains with whole grain breakfast cereals will be beneficial to your health.
Replacing commercial grains with whole grain breakfast cereals

We all know that people are strongly attracted to ultra-processed foods. Today, however, we’re going to look at the benefits of replacing commercial grains with whole-grain breakfast cereals. While commercial cereals often look much tastier, whole grain breakfast cereals are much healthier.

The first problem with commercial grains is that they often contain a lot of sugar. In addition, the packaging may indicate that they contain fiber, but by reading the label you can see that the amount is negligible.

That’s why in today’s article we’re going to look at some of the benefits of replacing commercial grains with whole grain breakfast cereals such as:

  • oat flakes
  • cornflakes
  • wheat germ

Maintain a healthy weight by replacing commercial grains

Sugar and cornflakes

Commercial grains often contain high amounts of sugar, making you want to eat more of them. For example, you may eat the entire box in two times. This is not good for your health or your wallet.

That’s exactly what the companies want: that we eat too much of these grains at once, forcing you to buy more. They are also normally more expensive than oats, wheat germ or cornflakes.

Since whole grain breakfast cereals contain no extra sugar, you don’t need to keep eating them until you are completely full. Another advantage is that they are filling, which can help with weight loss if that is one of your goals.

Replacing commercial grains with whole grain breakfast cereals can help you maintain a healthy weight. Since you will not have the anxiety that can be caused by sugary products, you only eat the amount of grains that your body needs. In addition, you also do not fill yourself with an ultra-processed product.

Improve the health of your intestinal tract

If you suffer from constipation, replacing commercial cereals with whole grain breakfast cereals is a great idea. The high fiber content of whole grain breakfast cereals can not only increase the number of healthy bacteria in the gut. It can also make the stool softer, which facilitates expulsion.

Promoting your intestinal tract has many benefits. This can help prevent hemorrhoids, as well as diverticulitis and diverticulosis. With a conscious and healthy diet you can reduce the risk of these types of disorders.

However, it is not always advisable to eat a lot of whole grain breakfast cereals if you have ulcerative colitis or have a condition that causes diarrhea. This is because it could potentially make the problem worse. Of course, that’s something you definitely don’t want to know, so talk to your doctor.

Whole-grain breakfast cereals can help lower cholesterol

Whole grains with yogurt

High cholesterol is a condition that affects many people. Many of them even have to take medication to get it under control. If you want to avoid this, replacing commercial grains can be a great way to stay healthy.

However, how do whole grain breakfast cereals help lower cholesterol? The high fiber content in these types of grains can help remove bad cholesterol (LDL).

For that reason, it is much better to consume a moderate amount of whole grain breakfast cereals every day than to opt for products that promise to reduce it or take drugs that may have side effects.

Conclusion and Precautions

As you can see, replacing commercial grains with whole grain breakfast cereals is a very good idea. However, you should always look at the food label on the products you are going to buy. You may then discover that the product you always buy is not as ‘natural’ and is actually more processed than you thought.

It can be annoying to read what products contain. However, just think that if you do that, you will know which products to choose in the future and which not. For that reason, it is a worthwhile effort that really benefits your health.

What kind of grains do you usually buy? Do you eat ultra-processed or whole grain breakfast cereals? Whole grain breakfast cereals provide you with all the healthy benefits we mentioned above and they will also save you money.

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