How To Make Melon Water To Lose Weight And Sleep Better

If your goal is to lose weight, you should drink melon water before breakfast. If you want to fall asleep easier, drink it before going to bed.
How to make melon water to lose weight and sleep better

Melon is a refreshing fruit that has been prized for centuries for its high content of vitamins, fiber and essential minerals. It consists of more than 90% water and is therefore ideal for hydration and weight loss. Melon contains only 25 calories and 13 grams of complex carbohydrates per 100 grams and about 6% sugar. It is also rich in antioxidants and free of fat and cholesterol. Melon water is delicious and healthy too!

While many consider it a summer fruit, others include it in their diet throughout the year as a means of losing weight and improving their sleep quality. Although better known for its refreshing properties, its consumption has been shown to promote weight loss and processes that lead to better sleep  .

What are the benefits of melon?


Melon is a fruit that belongs to the “big vegetable” family, which also includes watermelon, pumpkin and zucchini. It grows in sandy soil and is considered one of the tastiest summer fruits.

The popular varieties are of European and North American origin, but it is believed to be native to Central Asia and Africa.

Its excellent properties include a high content of vitamin A.  This is a powerful antioxidant that is good for the skin and mucous membranes. It also contains flavonoids, substances that protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.

Regular consumption protects vision and reduces the risk of eye diseases. It lowers arterial hypertension and prevents various forms of cardiovascular disease due to its high potassium content.

It is a source of vitamin C and magnesium, two essential nutrients that strengthen the immune system against viral and bacterial infections.

How Can Melon Water Help You Lose Weight?

Cantaloupe is part of fruits called “fat burners” due to their ability to help shrink your waistline in a natural, healthy way.

The wealth of detoxifying substances makes it easier to eliminate built-up toxins in the body and thus aids the metabolism.

It acts as a natural diuretic, ideal for regulating fluid in body tissues and reducing inflammation.

Its high water content makes it one of the best fruits to hydrate the body and make you feel full.

Why does melon water help us sleep?

Why does melon water help us sleep?

Melon water is a drink that contains no additives, artificial sugars or preservatives. Instead, it’s an important source of essential nutrients that can help you sleep better, among other things.

This has been a popular remedy for insomnia for some time, as it quenches thirst, hydrates the cells of the body and keeps it satisfied until the next day.

Although ignored by many people, dehydration is one of the factors that can interrupt a deep and refreshing sleep.

How do you make melon water?

melon water

Melon water is a very effective way to increase your daily fluid intake. The taste is refreshing and you can drink it at any time of the day.

However, if you want to lose weight, it is best to drink it 30 to 40 minutes before breakfast.


  • 300 grams melon pulp in cubes
  • 10 ml lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • 250 grams or a cup of ice cream
  • 125ml water


  • Peel the melon and cut the flesh into pieces for easier mixing.
  • Place the melon in a blender and add the lemon juice, ice and water.
  • Blend for a few seconds until smooth and consistent.

How do you drink it?

  • For weight loss, drink before breakfast and every main meal.
  • If you want to sleep better, drink it a few hours before bed.

This detoxifying drink contains less than 150 calories and is a source of nutrients essential for bodily functions.

Go ahead and make this at home to discover the daily benefits your body will love. 

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