Lose Weight With Lemon, Ginger And Chia Seeds

Adding this amazing lemon, ginger and chia seed drink to your diet can be a great way to help you lose weight.
Lose weight with lemon, ginger and chia seeds

Losing weight can be very difficult if you have to follow a diet. Today we are going to tell you how you can lose weight with lemon, ginger and chia seeds. Losing weight does not mean giving up everything, nor does it mean sadness or frustration. We will never give up the pleasure of eating, going hungry or counting calories all the time.

What we need to do is learn to eat balanced meals. And, we must have the knowledge of slimming foods. In this way we can add them to our meals and in the end it will help to lose weight.

In this article, we would like to share three natural ingredients that help rid our body of fat. They also improve the immune system and act as a diuretic.

This gives us the opportunity to use more energy. By using more energy, losing weight is easier. The ingredients are lemon, ginger and chia seeds.

Lose weight the healthy way

Lose weight

We normally respond to weight loss diets in a few ways. This can be in the form of stress, frustration, feeling guilty and a whole list of other feelings.

This is because most diets tell us to reduce calorie intake to lose weight. Or they tell us to be hungry and give up all tasty foods.

There’s one thing we need to remember in order to diet successfully, for now and in the future: we need to change our idea of ​​what a diet is. Next, we need to change our diet into a set of good habits. 

We can make these part of our daily routine, not just part of the diet. In this way we can happily maintain a balanced and tasty diet. However, we will also have room for some treats every now and then.

To lose weight, we need to add some foods with slimming properties. In this way we can lose weight without too much effort. And we don’t have to deal with frustration or giving up certain foods.

Weight Loss Foods

Are There Foods That Can Help Us With Weight Loss? And if there are, do they have no calories? Yes, these exist and yes, they contain calories, but our bodies use enough energy digesting these foods, more than they provide.

They also have medicinal properties. These can help us to lose pounds easily and in a short time.


Lemon is one of the best foods for weight loss. This fruit has  cleansing, alkalizing and antioxidant properties. This is a good addition to any diet.

When we are trying to lose weight, lemon helps to digest and eliminate fat. It also helps to reduce fluid retention and makes us feel full. This is good because it helps reduce the temptation to snack during the day.

We can use all parts of the lemon. Also the pulp and skin.  That’s why we recommend using organic lemons. This way you can be sure that they do not contain any pesticides, wax or other chemicals.



This exotic food has a spicy and refreshing taste. It also has the property to speed up our metabolism. This makes it indispensable to burn calories.

Many people can easily gain a lot of weight because they have a slow metabolism. This can be improved through sports and good habits. However, we can also try adding ginger to our diet to speed up metabolism.

Ginger regulates blood sugar levels and allows us to control our appetite.

Chia seed

Chia seeds are a great source of nutrition to help us lose weight. They allow us to lose weight in a healthy way. Chia seeds help our intestines and combat constipation. It is always good to have a clean intestinal tract.

These seeds help reduce bloating, keeping the bowels moving. Chia seeds are full of protein, fiber and antioxidants. All of these properties make it a great food source to eat.

For best results, we recommend soaking them for a few hours before eating them.

Lose weight with this recipe with lemon, ginger and chia seeds



  • The juice of 1 organic lemon
  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds (15 g)
  • 2.5 g grated ginger or a tablespoon of ginger powder
  • 2 cups of water (400ml)
  • Stevia to sweeten it (optional)


To make this drink, follow these steps:

  • The night before, put the chia seeds in the two cups of water.
  • The next day, mix the chia seeds together with the lemon juice and ginger.
  • For more benefits, you can add some lemon zest. This part of the lemon contains many nutritional values.
  • Add the stevia to sweeten the drink to your liking.

When can you drink this?

When you’ve mixed everything together and the drink has a smooth texture, it’s ready to drink.

You can spread it over the day. A good schedule to follow is:

  • With your breakfast 1/3 of the drink
  • Between breakfast and lunch 1/3 of the drink as a snack
  • Between breakfast and lunch 1/3 of the drink as a snack

You can drink this daily for 15 days. You can repeat this diet once every three months.

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