Five Things Your Eyes Tell About Your Health

Your eyes are the mirrors of your soul. They help you see how others are feeling and tell you a lot about their health status.
Five things your eyes tell you about your health

Are you aware of how much your eyes say about your health? Your eyes say a lot about you, both on an emotional and physical level. They are a reflection of your body and reflect how you feel about something.

You may have looked at your eyes in the mirror a few times already. You may remember what they looked like that morning when you weren’t feeling well, or the time they looked great.

Iridology is an alternative medicine that studies the patterns, colors and other features of irises. The aim is to find and interpret the characteristics of the irises and to discover possible diseases. Every patient is different and is diagnosed based on the specifics of his or her eyes.

According to Dr. Delia DeBuc, your eyes are connected to your brain via the retina, because these cells are sensitive to light. They come together and form the optic nerve that leads to the brain.

Five things your eyes tell you about your health

1. Nervous System Problems

Picture of the nervous system

Do you suffer from blurred vision? Pain? Swelling? It can be due to exhaustion or some other harmless reason. However, these symptoms can also indicate that something is wrong in the nervous system.

In multiple sclerosis, the brain has trouble communicating with the eyes, which can cause vision problems. Patients may also experience a burning sensation, itching, and temperature changes in the area.

2. Get your thyroid checked

Bulging eyes are not a good sign. This can happen when the thyroid gland is disrupted and affects the muscles and tissues in the eyes. This makes your eyes look bigger. Once they are swollen, you may experience the following symptoms:

  • pain
  • eye problems
  • increase in the volume of the eyes

3. High Blood Pressure

A woman measures her blood pressure

How can you know you have high blood pressure by looking at your eyes? Most people will not be able to detect this, but it is always wise to keep an eye on your blood pressure.

It is very important to see your doctor and get a referral to an ophthalmologist if necessary. Damage to the eyes due to high blood pressure can only be recognized at an advanced stage. However, the specialist can find abnormalities in the retina earlier with equipment. This way you can take measures in time.

4. Diabetic Retinopathy

One of the possible causes of blindness is diabetic retinopathy. This occurs when the blood vessels become damaged. If left untreated, the patient may become blind. In most cases, this condition affects both eyes.

5. Oxidative Stress

Hands against the barbed wire

Do you have bags under your eyes? Fatigue, lack of sleep and water retention are some of the reasons why the skin loses elasticity. This causes bags, wrinkles and drooping eyelids under the eyes.

Oxidative stress can be caused by excessive consumption of ultra-processed foods that damage the cells of the body. In addition, an unhealthy diet can cause the cholesterol level in your blood to be very high. The best thing you can do is reduce the consumption of junk foods, fats and products with a high sugar content.


  • Have your eyes checked at least once a year.
  • Do not ignore discomforts such as burning, itching, pain or blurred vision.
  • Watch your diet and eat organic products instead of ultra-processed foods.
  • Reduce the consumption of alcoholic beverages and tobacco.
  • Sleep at least 8 hours a day.
  • Do a physical activity.
  • Eat small portions at least five times a day to maintain blood glucose levels and prevent weight gain.

So you have to take good care of your body, because your good or bad habits will partly determine your health and your eyes will tell you if things are not going well.

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