8 Foods For Bloating

Do you ever suffer from bloating? Then it is a good idea to add these foods to your diet. It’s also a good idea to find out which foods make you feel this way and reduce the amount you consume.
8 foods for bloating

Have you ever suffered from a swollen stomach? What can you do about  bloating ? This is usually because you have eaten too much, but it can also be caused by the accumulation of moisture and gases.

In addition, it can occur as a result of certain digestive problems. These include gastritis and constipation. If that’s the case, it’s important to know which foods help reduce stomach bloating and bloating.

Remember that something as easy as limiting foods high in simple sugars and fats can help your health significantly.

These foods can also cause gas. Eating less of these products will  help your digestion and promote weight loss at the same time.

If you want to stay healthy and lose weight, these anti-bloating foods are for you.

8 foods for bloating

1. Flaxseed

Flaxseed for bloating

Foods rich in prostaglandins are the best to combat a bloated stomach.

Flaxseed, also known as flaxseed, is rich in healthy fats. These help your body regulate inflammation. This is due to the omega 3 fatty acids they contain.

It is best to soak them in water for several hours before eating them . Then you can put them in your yogurt, a smoothie or a salad.

2. Blueberries

Blueberries is another product that can relieve fluid retention (fluid retention) and bloating. This is because it contains so many flavonoids.

In addition, they also have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. These substances help to neutralize free radicals.

All this makes for a delicious berry that helps you control bloating.

3. Cherries

Even if they don’t look like it, cherries can become your greatest help. It is a type of fruit that reduces a bloated feeling. This is because it is  one of the foods that has the most anti-inflammatory properties of all.

In addition, cherries contain a lot of antioxidants. That is why they are without a doubt one of the most complete fruits to include in your diet.

4. Curry

Curry powder for bloating

This is a widely used spice mixture. Curry contains turmeric. This helps to prevent fluid retention and inflammation.

Turmeric is a ‘superfood’ that can help prevent many diseases, including cancer. Replace salt and pepper with turmeric. That’s much healthier!

5. Green Tea

Green tea has diuretic properties. This tea is also rich in antioxidants.

If you are feeling bloated, it is better to drink a cup of green tea than other drinks, such as black tea or coffee.

6. Bananas

You can also eat bananas if you experience bloating or if you are retaining fluids. The potassium in bananas can help with this.

If you eat something salty in the evening, it is best to have a banana with breakfast. As you know, salt can cause your body to retain water. So avoid using extra salt on your food and eat a banana to prevent fluid retention.

7. Avocados

Avocado for bloating

Avocados are recommended if you want to avoid bloating. They contain a lot of healthy fats.

Other foods that help in the same way are:

  • olive oil 
  • almonds 
  • pistachios (without salt)

8. Lactose-Free Milk

Milk is one of the foods that can make you feel bloated. This is because it contains lactose.

That’s why there’s nothing better than starting to reduce your lactose intake. Instead, you can take products with degraded lactose, such as yogurt. Later you can increase the amounts of milk. If this does not cause any complaints, you can add them back to your diet.

Don’t forget to eat slowly

Belly fat against bloating

Something as simple as eating slowly can definitely help. Chew your food well and keep your mouth closed. This prevents air from getting in your food and causing indigestion.

Don’t forget to give the food the time it needs. Take it easy.

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