Can You Overcome Grief With Natural Foods?

Did you know that some foods like oats or pure cocoa can regulate our nervous system and boost our endorphins production to help us overcome sadness?
Can you overcome sadness with natural foods?

You can overcome your sadness with a diet and some natural remedies such as Bach flowers or essential oils. Did you know?

Discover how to feel full of joy, energy and optimism again without having to turn to medicine.

Can you overcome grief with natural means?

Sadness is a negative mood that we can feel from time to time due to some event. For example, we may feel sad when a loved one dies or when we fail to achieve a goal we set for ourselves.

However, the problem really starts when that sadness lingers in us and turns into a kind of chronic condition that harms us even on a physical level, in addition to complicating our personal and social relationships.

Before it turns into depression, it is possible to overcome sadness naturally by taking certain foods and supplements that balance our nervous system and emotions without side effects.

Through a healthy diet and with the passage of time we will feel better about ourselves and we can eventually stop the remedies whenever we want.

Overcoming sadness with natural remedies

1. Bach flowers

Bottle of bach blossom and purple flowers

Bach flowers are essences extracted from various plants. They work with energy to treat all kinds of emotional conditions such as fear, anger, jealousy, apathy, agitation, stress, guilt, etc.

The main advantage they have is that, unlike other remedies, they have no contraindications or side effects, nor do they lead to dependence.

You can overcome grief with a choice of the following essences:

  • Gentian: For the cases where the person knows what is causing his or her grief. These could be reasons related to family, work, etc.
  • Mustard: for when the sadness has no known reason.
  • Wild rose: It is effective when, in addition to sadness, the person lacks motivation and loses interest in doing things.
  • Gorse (or gorse): Good for cases where grief becomes chronic and the person feels hopeless.
  • Sweet chestnut: Can be helpful in cases of deep anxiety and hopelessness where the person cries easily.

We can combine the essences we need most and use 4 drops 4 times a day .

2. Citrus Essential Oils

These oils are great for ameliorating a range of physical and mental ailments through their healing powers that cover us with its potent aroma.

Citrus essential oil, which is extracted from the peels of lemon, orange and grapefruit, can provide joy, energy, vitality and creativity.

At the same time, they are also useful for fighting depression and improving the general state of our mood.

We can use them in aroma diffusers, as perfumes, mixed into our make-up or even as cleaning agents or home cleaners. Most importantly, their scent fills us.

3. Oats


Oats are a food that should not be missing from the diet of people who often suffer from grief. They act as a regulator of the nervous system.

They also have the ability to boost mood and energy during gloomy times. Oats also calm periods of nervousness and anxiety.

In addition, oat products have a high fiber content that regulates intestinal function and lowers blood sugar levels. They are also great in weight loss diets as they are very filling and reduce sugar cravings.

We can eat them as muesli, in cakes and cookies or even in savory dishes such as soups.

4. Brewer’s yeast

Yeast or brewer’s yeast are supplements that are often sold as powders or in flakes. We can mix them into any kind of drink or food to enrich it with vitamins and minerals.

Brewer’s yeast helps us naturally combat grief and other nervous system disorders, while at the same time providing a powerful beauty remedy for our skin, hair and nails.

5. Cocoa

Jute bag with cocoa beans

Pure cocoa, unlike chocolate which is rich in fat and sugar, is a medicinal food that reduces pain, sadness and anxiety. It can surprise us with an immediate sense of happiness.

It works by stimulating our endorphin production, which gives us pleasure and a sense of well-being. 

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