What You Should Never Do With A Baby

Pregnant women often get a lot of advice from the experienced mothers and grandmothers around them. However, this does not mean that everything is in order with this. There are things you should never do with a baby. Do you know what those are?
What you should never do with a baby

Being a mother is a complicated and arduous task. However, with a good dose of patience and a whole lot of love, you will complete this task with flying colors. At the same time, it can also help to know the things you should never do with a baby.

It is true that being a mother is a difficult job, especially if it is your first child. However, it is also not impossible. With the right information and some help and practice, you’ll be well equipped to help your child grow up healthy and happy.

But there are also some things you should never do with a baby, and we’ll tell you what they are.

Things you should never do with a baby

1. Letting your baby cry for too long

As a mother, you certainly come across times when you are very busy. But remember that your child needs your care all the time and that he is trying to communicate with you and try to get your attention. Crying is the only way babies can express their needs.

Letting your baby cry for too long is therefore one of the first things you should never do with a baby. It will make him sad.

In addition, this can cause his stress level to rise and cause dependence, insecurity and possible damage to his emotional and intellectual development.

Letting your baby cry for too long is one of the things you should never do with a baby

However, by always listening to your little one and communicating with him all the time, you will greatly strengthen his confidence in you. As a result, he will not become a child who has problems with his self-image in the future, but will grow up to be a balanced person.

2. Let your baby sleep on his tummy

It used to be said that it can be beneficial to put a baby to sleep on his stomach because it can help with excess intestinal gas and prevent choking from vomiting.

However, our current knowledge tells us the opposite: putting a baby to sleep on its stomach actually increases the chance of sudden death from suffocation.

Therefore, put your child on his back before going to sleep. This is the best way to avoid unnecessary risks.

3. Leaving your baby alone with no one to look after him

You are making a serious mistake in thinking that babies are too small to move if you leave them alone.

One of the most common reasons babies fall is that their parents leave them alone on a changing table or other surface. A small child can easily roll off a changing table and get really injured.

4. Shaking your baby or pressing too hard on you

Parents are often tempted to playfully rock their baby back and forth to make him stop crying, and sometimes it works. However, it can also cause irreversible damage.

Shaking or pressing small children too hard can cause shaken baby syndrome. This syndrome is defined as a trauma where the brain moves back and forth within the skull. It can cause the following problems:

  • Bruising and bleeding
  • Blindness
  • Hearing loss and speech disorders
  • Damage to the neck
  • Permanent brain damage
  • Dead

5. Apply corporal punishment to your baby

If you think your baby is misbehaving, do n’t slap him on the buttock or on the hand. What you need to do is look him in the eye and speak to him in a firm voice.

Physically punishing a baby can lead to an aggressive child with low self-esteem.

At the same time, his self-confidence can also be damaged, because he will feel uncomfortable in the presence of his parents. Poor intellectual growth and low motivation to learn new things are other possible consequences.

6. Not helping your baby burp

This is also one of the things you should never do with a baby. Burping after eating is important for babies to allow the gases that their body produces after eating to escape.

If you don’t, your baby may suffer from abdominal pain later on. And this, of course, means that he will cry and will not be able to fall asleep.

7. Feeding Your Baby Different Foods

Feeding your baby too many different foods is one of the things you should never do with a baby

It is a common mistake made by young mothers to feed their baby anything other than breast or bottle feeding.

However, it is important to know that a baby ‘s digestive system is still developing in its first months of life. Therefore, feeding your baby other foods can cause a food allergy or intolerance.

8. Letting your baby come into contact with bacteria and viruses

Another one of the things you should never do with a baby is hold or touch him without washing your hands first. You should wash your hands several times a day. In this way you can effectively prevent the spread of diseases by bacteria and viruses.

At the same time, it is equally important to stay away from people who have mild flu or cold symptoms.

If your baby gets infected with this, it can cause complications such as:

  • pneumonia
  • bronchitis
  • other serious breathing problems

Some more recommendations

We recommend that you seek advice from an expert directly if you are unsure about what to do and what to never do with a small child. This prevents confusion and ensures that you receive the correct information.

If you are concerned about how to care for your little one, don’t hesitate to ask for help from someone with experience.

But also remember that it is especially important to give your little one lots of love. Make him feel like you will always be there for him.

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