A Rejuvenating Cream With Aloe Vera

Thanks to the properties of aloe vera and the flexibility of the gel of this plant, you can make your own rejuvenating cream. Take care of your skin in a natural way.
A rejuvenating cream with aloe vera

The last time it is to make your own body creams or face creams a real trend. That has to do with all natural alternatives that are very healthy for your skin. That is why we would like to show you how you can easily make your own rejuvenating cream with aloe vera.

Aloe vera is one of the most commonly used plants in beauty care. That’s because it has several fantastic properties.

  • For example, this plant can help heal wounds caused by acne.
  • Aloe vera is also moisturizing for your skin.
  • In addition, it fights conditions such as eczema.

What do we use rejuvenating cream for?

What can you use a rejuvenating cream for

You can use a rejuvenating cream for multiple purposes. It can fight acne and reduce scarring. These usually remain after pimples open. It can be very complicated to put an end to this. So if you suffer from this problem, then you can solve it with a rejuvenating cream with aloe vera.

A rejuvenating cream can also help provide elasticity to the skin. It makes the skin of your face radiant. We usually lose this as the years go by.

This type of cream is recommended as a night cream. After all, the night is the time when the skin rejuvenates itself naturally. With a cream of this type you can strengthen this ability of the skin.

Make your own rejuvenating cream with aloe vera

So make this rejuvenating cream with aloe vera yourself. It will give you better results than the creams you can get in the store. The cream is completely natural.

It contains no chemicals and toxins. That means it’s good for your skin. This cream can prevent you from having possible allergic reactions, especially if you have sensitive skin.


  • 3 tablespoons aloe vera gel (45 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon cocoa butter (20 g)
  • 1 cup almond oil (250 ml)
  • 3 tablespoons natural beeswax (45 g)
  • A few drops of a natural essential oil (to taste)


  • Heat-resistant bowl for the cream
  • A closed glass jar

Note: If you don’t have an aloe vera plant at home, you can always ask someone for some leaves or buy them from a store. You can also plant aloe vera yourself. It is really worth having your own aloe vera plant at home.


What do you need
  • To make your aloe vera rejuvenating cream, first cut the leaves into small pieces. Then you remove the gel that is inside the leaf. You can do this by cutting the leaves in half and removing the gel with a spoon.
  • Once you have the aloe vera crystal, place it in an airtight glass jar. Then add the cocoa butter and almond oil. You can also use the beeswax.
  • So you fill the heat-resistant bowl. Then put it on a pan (au-bain-marie). Then let it stand for a few minutes. You wait for the ingredients to soften and melt.
  • When everything is ready, remove the bowl from the pan. Be careful not to burn yourself. Now mix all ingredients together. If you don’t like the texture or if you see lumps, you can use a blender. That way you process the ingredients thoroughly.
  • Once the cream is ready, add the drops of essential oil. While the mixture is still warm, place it in a glass jar.
  • Then let the cream stand until it has cooled down.
  • Place the jars (the ones you won’t be using right away) in the fridge.

That way you will not lose any of the rejuvenating properties of the cream. Plus, it will last longer. Natural creams often ‘spoil’ before they are used.


So it is really very easy to make a rejuvenating cream with aloe vera. You just need some natural ingredients that are not hard to find. You can use these ingredients for the care of your skin at night.

What do you think? Does this sound good? Ready to make your own rejuvenating cream with aloe vera? Have you ever made a different kind of rejuvenating cream? If this is the case, then you know that the satisfaction you get from making your own cosmetics is absolutely priceless.

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