Does Your Toddler Sleep Badly? This Could Lead To Problems In The Future

Although they usually don’t feel like taking a nap, preschoolers between the ages of three and five need about 12 hours of sleep.
Is your toddler sleeping badly?  This can lead to problems in the future

Just like adults, children need good health habits. That is why it is important that they get enough sleep to restore energy levels, especially for a toddler.

In preschoolers, various behavioral problems can arise in the future if a child does not get enough sleep. It can also have other unhealthy consequences.

When small children do not sleep well, they are more vulnerable to information processing problems. In addition, they may have worsening emotional problems, including a condition related to attention deficit, such as ADHD or ADD.

Research by the General Hospital of Massachusetts

These conclusions arose from several studies conducted by a group of scientists at the General Hospital of Massachusetts.

The results were recently published in the academic journal Academic Pediatrics.

What is the recommended amount of sleep for a preschooler?

Toddlers between the ages of 3 and 5 should sleep between 10 and 13 hours, including naps.

This comes from a report from the American Medical Association for Sleep Medicine.

Naps and their effect on children

Toddlers are very active. That is why they have to take a nap of an hour every day.

Although sometimes they don’t really sleep, they can use the naps to play in silence. It’s a time when they can take a break from the morning’s activities.

Bedtime advice

In addition, it is also recommended to set a fixed bedtime. We have to let the child know half an hour in advance that they have to go to sleep soon so that they can prepare. It’s also a good idea to let them know 10 minutes before it’s time to go to bed.

It is not necessary to let children eat or drink a lot before going to bed.

In the case of children, the bed should only be used for sleeping. A child should not be in the habit of watching TV or playing in bed. Bed is for relaxing and sleeping.

Use fixed rituals

Letting the toddler put on his or her favorite pajamas and choose a stuffed animal to sleep with will help, especially if bedtime is a struggle.

In the meantime, we can prepare the room by prescribing certain actions. Good examples of this are for example:

  • Speak with a soft voice
  • Listening to soft music
  • Dimming the lamps 
  • Avoiding electronic devices and video games

The benefits of a good night’s sleep for children

Toddler in bed

The necessary rest and good sleep is fundamental to the physical and mental health of children, especially at an early age and when they first start school.

While children sleep, their brains and bodies can rest so that the next day they are energized and refreshed and active.

Children who sleep more have higher levels of alertness and better reflexes. In addition, they are better able to control their emotions and do better at school.

They are also  less irritable and less sleepy during the day.

The problem of the digital screen and the toddler

sleeping toddler

One of the main reasons that children don’t sleep well or don’t get enough rest depends on when they go to bed. Often there is no set time.

There are many different screens (television, cell phones, computers, etc.) that are a source of distraction. Some kids even have these devices in their bedroom.

Therefore, they use the hours when they should actually be sleeping to watch a TV show, play games or interact with their friends on social media.

Solutions for bad sleep

While poor sleep can lead to serious problems in children, they can be easily resolved.

Make sure your kids are off screens and technology for at least an hour before they go to bed. This will help them to relax mentally and better prepare for sleep.

Attention deficit

Lack of sleep can have consequences that manifest as poor performance in school or behavioral problems.

Small children can develop ADHD. Unfortunately, this can cause them to be too active or have an awful lot of energy during the day.

However, sleep specialists know that these types of sleep problems all have solutions, and they can be prevented if you pay close attention to your preschooler’s sleeping habits.

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