3 Detoxifying Habits To Purify Your Body

If you want to purify your body, it is important that you consume organic fruits and vegetables to avoid the chemicals commonly used in cultivation.
3 detoxifying habits to purify your body

You’ve probably heard that you need to develop detoxing habits to reduce your risk of liver, gut, pancreas, or heart disease.

Maybe you don’t detox your body that often because you think it’s really hard or just because you don’t know where to start.

In either case, in this article you can find some very simple and quick options to keep your body in optimal condition.

1. Detoxifying Habits: Replace a meal with a detoxifying smoothie

Detoxifying Smoothie

Are you afraid that detoxing means that you have to completely stop eating the things you like? If your daily diet is quite unhealthy, it would be advisable to not only detoxify your body but also improve your eating habits.

However, if you want to improve your diet and get rid of all the toxins present in your body, try drinking a detox smoothie daily.

This measure is very practical. In addition, it ensures that you never leave the house without having breakfast first.

It’s also a great way to get some of those veggies you might not like. After all, smoothies give you the chance to play with flavors and textures. That way you can incorporate things you need without tasting them.

Finally, it is not expensive at all to drink a smoothie daily, because the required amounts are minimal.

For this habit to actually work, it’s important to remember the following:

  • Do not lean towards extreme measures. The idea is to turn a smoothie into a meal. However, this does not mean that you should stop eating solid foods altogether.
  • Choose good quality natural products to make sure you don’t just replace the toxins you eliminate.
  • Pay attention to how your body reacts to this habit and always consult a nutritionist if you notice decompensation.

If you don’t know where to start, try this detox smoothie:


  • 1 cup clean and sanitized kale leaves (67 g)
  • 3 cups almond milk (725 ml)
  • 1 green apple cut into cubes
  • 1 ripe banana
  • ½ cup washed parsley (22 g)


  • Put all the ingredients in the blender and process until you get a smoothie that you can drink easily.
  • Don’t worry if it seems too much. Since this smoothie serves as a breakfast substitute, it’s important that you drink it all to avoid feeling hungry again within a few hours.

2. Detoxing Habits: Choose Organic Products

Healthy food

We know that organic products are not always an option for everyone. However, eating organic products is a very good way to detoxify your body.

A good trick is to grow your own vegetables. It is not difficult at all and can save you a lot of money.

Even if you live in a small apartment, you probably still have some space left to put a few pots. However, always make sure that the seeds you plant are organic. Seeds are usually relatively cheap. Especially considering the amount of vegetables they can produce.

Other options are:

  • pineapple. You just need to plant the crown and wait for it to grow.
  • Fruit trees. You need a little more space and patience for this. However, after about five years you can already harvest the first lemons, oranges or apples. Other fruits take more time, but it’s worth it.
  • Swiss chard and spinach. Just plant some seeds so that you get clumps that will continue to grow even after you have already harvested some of them.
  • herbs. Herbs such as lavender, thyme, mint and basil are easy to grow.

Remember that organic means that no pesticides and herbicides are used. Therefore, make sure that you only water these plants with clean water and add organic fertilizer. Thus, they can actually help detoxify your body.

3. Detoxifying Habits: Enjoy the Benefits of a Massage

Massage to detoxify

Do you think it is a luxury to have a massage? It may seem that way and make you feel like a celebrity lying on that table, but its function goes beyond that. Most massages aim to detoxify your body in one way or another.

Depending on the problems you have, your masseuse will recommend a few things. If you don’t know where to start, ask for lymphatic drainage.

  • The purpose of this type of massage is to remove toxins from the organs. It is a treatment that requires some extra effort from your masseur, but yields excellent results.
  • It would be ideal to get yourself a massage once a month. However, this depends on your financial situation and your preferences.
  • If you are interested in alternative medicine, give a temazcal a try. These are sweat areas that take advantage of the benefits of different herbs depending on the medical problem you want to combat.

What alternatives do you  use to detoxify your body? Have you tried the above detoxing habits? Which one is your favourite?

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