Natural Teeth Whitening Products

There are natural teeth whitening products that can help brighten your smile. Keep reading to learn some great examples you can use.
Natural teeth whitening products

Dental treatments to whiten teeth are very popular these days. However, they are often made with aggressive products that eventually damage your teeth. Usually these effects are irreversible. If you’re looking for natural teeth whitening products, you’ve come to the right place.

You don’t have to go to extremes or spend a fortune on teeth whitening techniques. There are natural products that you can use for this. Keep reading to learn more!

What causes teeth to discolor?

The enamel on your teeth is a bit porous, so what you eat can move in here. Drinking wine or eating blueberries will temporarily turn your teeth purple. However, that is not a permanent problem because you brush your teeth after which the color is gone.

However, there are foods and drinks that discolor the teeth more and permanently over time, making them yellowish or brownish. Dark drinks such as coffee, tea and soda are some of these foods. Tobacco and poor oral hygiene can also cause this discoloration.

In addition, acidic products can damage your teeth and make the discoloration worse. Candy is also included, but it depends on how often you eat it. Think especially consuming certain foods such as:

  • meat
  • dairy products
  • citrus products
  • refined sugar
  • beer
  • artificial sweeteners
  • soft drinks
  • vegetable oils

A common mistake is to start brushing your teeth as soon as you finish eating. Although it can help prevent the formation of cavities, the enamel does not have time to harden again. It is better to wait until 30 minutes have passed after eating or drinking.

Useful and Beneficial Foods

A woman with white teeth

Certain foods can help keep your teeth white. Some contain fibers and others form a protective film over the tooth enamel, which prevents discoloration of the teeth.

  • Fruits and vegetables such as pears, apples, carrots, cucumbers, cauliflower, lettuce, broccoli and spinach.
  • Cheese is great because it contains both protein and fat to neutralize the acids in other foods. They also stimulate saliva production with phosphorus and calcium, which help harden the enamel.

Natural teeth whitening products

Below we will look at some foods and natural remedies that will help you whiten your teeth in a simple and natural way. You cannot expect the same effect as with whitening your teeth with chemical agents, but they are a lot cheaper and less harmful!


A woman brushes her teeth

Rub your teeth with the inside of an orange peel – the white part – for 45 seconds. It contains substances that whiten your teeth. Then brush your teeth half an hour later.

Strawberries with baking soda

Both strawberries and baking soda are actually natural bleaching agents. However, do not use this home remedy more than once a week or two.

  • Crush the fruit and mix it with some baking soda to make a paste.
  • Then apply this mixture to your teeth and leave it on for 20 minutes.
  • Then rinse your mouth with water and wait 30 minutes before brushing your teeth as usual.

Activated Charcoal

Put activated charcoal on your toothbrush and gently rub it all over your teeth. Although it may feel weird, it is one of the best natural teeth whitening products.

baking soda

baking soda

All the home remedies we mentioned are very effective if you are looking for natural teeth whitening products. However, many people agree that there is no better home remedy than baking soda. It is a cheap and healthier alternative to whitening your teeth.

  • Simply put 1/4 tablespoon of baking soda in a cup and wet your toothbrush with tap water.
  • Then dip the bristles in the baking soda so that it sticks to it like toothpaste.
  • Then gently brush your teeth with it.

If you put a lot on it, it can make your mouth feel salty or sour. Don’t worry about this, it disappears as soon as you rinse your mouth well with water. It is important that you do not use this home remedy more than a few times a month, as it can damage tooth enamel if you do it too often.

Other Teeth Whitening Options

  • Eat a slice of papaya or an apple every day. These fruits keep your gums strong while keeping your teeth white.
  • Place two tablespoons of crushed sage leaves in a cup of boiling water. Let it cool and rinse your mouth with it. You can also chew a leaf after meals.
  • XXX Mix two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide with one tablespoon of water. Rub this mixture gently on the stained teeth. Then rinse with plenty of water.
  • Make a paste of 1 tablespoon of brewer’s yeast, 2 teaspoons of salt and some water. Brush your teeth with this as you normally do with toothpaste.

Latest tips for whiter teeth without bleaching

The most important step to taking care of your teeth is good oral hygiene. This means brushing your teeth three times a day and also flossing. In addition, it is advisable to reduce the consumption of tobacco, coffee and other foods that cause stains on your teeth in the long term.

Finally, remember that you should visit the dentist once a year to have the health of your teeth checked. If you want to remove stains from your teeth, there is no one better than your dentist to help you achieve your goal.

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