Top Ten For Hydrated Skin

In order to glow and stay healthy, both inside our body and in appearance, it is best to stick to a healthy and balanced diet. 
Top ten for hydrated skin

We know that fruits and vegetables are healthy. What is the best food for a beautiful, healthy and hydrated skin?

You are what you eat! It really does exist: food for health. Food habits and diet have a major impact on our general health, both internally and externally.

Our diet can have either a healing or a destructive effect on our organs, influences body temperature and exerts a positive or negative influence on our digestion.

Drinking water and staying hydrated is key to a healthy body. Hydrating prevents the development of disease, gives the body energy and ensures faster fat burning.

This should preferably be done in combination with a controlled salt intake, because sodium retains moisture and prevents the smooth excretion of toxic substances.

Sufficient moisture can be absorbed through different types of food. It doesn’t just have to be in liquid form. Foods cooked in water or drinks prepared with water also provide a hydrated skin and body. Think of soups, tea, fruit juices and stews.

In addition, there is food that consists almost 100% of water. If we regularly put these on the menu, we will ensure perfectly hydrated skin in a natural way!

Foods for hydrated skin


glasses of cucumber juice


Cucumbers consist of 65% water and contain only 17 calories per 100g. In addition, they are rich in potassium, vitamin C and fiber. The fibers also aid digestion. It is best to eat them raw, to make the most of the cucumber’s health effects.


pieces of papaya


The tasty papaya has a positive effect on the digestive system, gives the body extra energy and repairs the skin, giving it a radiant complexion again. The high vitamin A content ensures the restorative effect on the organs and our health in general.


piece of watermelon


Due to the high content of vitamin C, the watermelon ensures an optimal immune system and an excellently hydrated skin. It consists of 92% water and contains nutrients that reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and prevent the development of all kinds of cancer, such as:

  • prostate cancer
  • ovarian cancer
  • cervical cancer
  • oral cancer
  • esophageal cancer
  • lung cancer
  • Pancreatic Cancer

Eat watermelon for breakfast or as a snack, without combining with other fruits, to fully enjoy its healing and preventive effect.


glass of tomato juice


Tomatoes contain a high content of lycopene, a colorant found in fruits and vegetables and in natural form has medicinal properties and is also a powerful antioxidant, which protects against acne and skin aging.

They consist of 94% water and contain 20 calories per 100g and provide the health-promoting substances potassium, phosphorus, vitamins A and C.


bowl with apples


Apples also contain 86% water. One apple a day provides the body with all the fiber it needs on a daily basis.  It is one of the fruits with the highest antioxidant content. This significantly reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, the development and growth of cancer cells and cardiovascular disease.

Green leafy vegetables

heads of lettuce


Spinach and lettuce are packed with water and green vegetables help detox your liver and therefore your skin. They are full of antioxidants, which, as we wrote above, prevent skin aging.

In addition, they have a moisturizing effect and contain minerals and nutrients that promote the elimination of toxins and thereby repair irregularities in the skin. Eat them preventively against the development of cancer, to boost your memory and keep your eyesight optimal.


sliced ​​kiwi


This delicious piece of fruit also contains 83% water and provides you with double the dose of vitamin C, which we need every day. The numerous fibers present help to lower cholesterol and ensure a balanced blood pressure and reduce the risk of blood clots forming in the bloodstream.


sliced ​​grapefruit


Just like tomatoes, grapefruit mainly contains lycopene and a high dose of antioxidants, which ensure a radiant and acne-free skin.

coconut water

coconut and coconut water


Coconut water is the water of choice to hydrate the skin! It aids digestion and repairs skin membranes, giving coconut water a reputation for anti-aging on all levels.

Orange juice

glasses of orange juice


Oranges also have a high water content and are rich in:

  • Potassium
  • Vitamin C
  • Calcium
  • folic acid,

As a result, they have all the ingredients that guarantee a beautiful and radiant skin.

In order to glow and stay healthy, both inside our body and in appearance, it is best to stick to a healthy and balanced diet. You really don’t have to sacrifice anything delicious if you choose to build your menu based on the delicious pieces of fruit and vegetables listed above!

And don’t forget to put them on your list as your healthy, daily snack.

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