Five Reasons To Eat Dark Chocolate Daily

Dark chocolate not only promotes the production of endorphins. It can also help us improve our cardiovascular health. However, the condition is that we eat the extra dark chocolate.
Five reasons to eat dark chocolate every day

As far as we know, the origins of dark chocolate go back almost 4000 years to the ancient times of Central America. The Maya drank it. It was part of their rituals as a sacred drink. In the remainder of this article, we want to talk about the reasons why you should eat dark chocolate every day.

Dark chocolate and other varieties come from the cocoa tree. The cultivation and cultivation of this plant became extremely important. Over time, the plant regained appreciation for its properties in various areas such as:

  • spiritual
  • medicinal
  • politics
  • economic

In this article, we present you 5 amazing and curious reasons to eat dark chocolate every day. This irresistible and delicious food that our ancestors already knew can be a natural remedy for some disorders.

It is not only an excellent antioxidant. Dark chocolate can also improve cardiovascular health and improve your mood.

Dark chocolate and cocoa

To start with, we want to make it clear in this article that we are only referring to the benefits of dark chocolate. This food has medicinal properties due to the high amount of cocoa it contains. This substance is the beneficial ingredient of this product.

So we leave out milk chocolate and other less healthy varieties.

What we recommend is to choose a dark chocolate with at least 70% cocoa. We can also use pure cocoa to prepare all kinds of drinks and recipes. In this way we will avoid other more harmful ingredients such as milk fats or sugar.

Reasons to eat dark chocolate every day

1. A Powerful Antioxidant

Cocoa is a powerful antioxidant

The bitter chocolate is made with the seeds of cocoa tree. They even have a greater antioxidant capacity than fruit.

The seeds of the cocoa plant and chocolate contain a large number of polyphenols per cup. Those are natural antioxidants. The cocoa seed is not wrongly called a superfood. That has to do with its composition.

However, we should note something. When we heat up chocolate, it loses some of its nutrients. This method of processing dark chocolate causes it to lose its antioxidant capacity to a certain extent.

When chocolate contains a high concentration of cocoa, it is not just a gourmet treat. It is also a remedy to delay aging.

2. Dark Chocolate Improves Cardiovascular Health

Moderate consumption of dark chocolate can help us prevent the most common cardiovascular disorders:

  • elevated cholesterol
  • high blood pressure
  • type 2 diabetes

However, other types of chocolate can have the exact opposite effect on our bodies.

For example, dark chocolate helps us by keeping blood pressure under control. It also prevents diseases that affect the blood vessels and heart. Cocoa contains an active ingredient called a flavonoid. Thanks to this element, cocoa can improve circulation in the same way as many other remedies.

3. It regulates the gut

Dark chocolate is good for the intestines

About 10% of the content of dark chocolate consists of dietary fiber. These provide you with a feeling of fullness, which can reduce the desire to eat. However, keep in mind that you should only eat 10 grams of dark chocolate per day. So it will not be able to reduce constipation and irritable bowel syndrome.

4. This food can calm the coughing stimulus

Dark chocolate contains a substance called theobromine. It acts on the vagus nerve and reduces its activity. One of the functions of this nerve is to control coughing attacks.

This may seem unlikely. Eating a block of dark chocolate daily helps to soothe coughing fits.

So when we suffer from the symptoms of the flu or a cold, we can resort to a soothing hot chocolate drink. However, we recommend not to use milk. This can increase mucus build-up and make the condition worse.

5. Dark chocolate makes us feel happy

Dark chocolate makes you feel happy

Why do so many people feel the need to eat chocolate? How come they feel so happy then? Why can we get addicted to chocolate?

This is because our brains produce endorphins when we eat this food. These hormones promote feelings of joy and happiness.

These five key reasons are enough justifications for not suppressing the temptation to eat chocolate. Just remember to choose chocolate with a high concentration of cocoa and of good quality. Eat dark chocolate in small amounts every day.

So it’s best to eat dark chocolate, free of any guilt. After all, now you know that it is very healthy!

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