Creative Ideas For Illuminated Glasses

Learn to make your own illuminated glasses to decorate your rooms in a unique, beautiful and eye-catching way. Take a look at the following ideas!
Creative ideas for illuminated glasses

Illuminated glasses are decorative elements that can be as versatile as you want them to be. In addition, coming up with new decorative ideas and recycling materials is an excellent and creative way to naturally de-stress!

When it comes to testing your creativity, there’s absolutely no need to stock up on expensive materials. You can always try to reuse certain products, such as products that you already have at home but never use. In general, things made of plastic are the most useful, but you can also use glass, paper, and even cardboard.

In this article we will therefore show you how you can make illuminated glasses yourself in a creative way.

Creative ideas for illuminated glasses

1. Angels of light

Cups to make illuminated glasses


  • 1 pencil
  • Waxed paper
  • Cardboard cups
  • 1 box of colored pencils
  • Felt tip pens
  • Transparent tape or glue
  • Small LED lights (preferably wireless)

Procedure (to dress the angel)

  1. Take the wax paper and draw the outline of the cup on it: place the cup on the paper to draw it around. That way you get a curved shape that fits into the cup.
  2. Then cut out this template. Make sure you don’t cut exactly over the line, but rather half an inch around the line.
  3. Then color this cup as you wish.
  4. Then fold the paper up like a fan. This gives your angel volume.
  5. Once you’ve folded the paper, cut out a few geometric shapes. As much as you would like.
  6. Then unfold the paper again and continue decorating. Use the felt-tip pens to detail the edges and various decorations. The idea is to imitate the pattern of a fabric, such as lace.

Procedure (for the angel’s wings and face)

  1. Then take another sheet of wax paper and draw the face of the angel on it. Make this face as detailed as you want. For example, you can also choose to make the face very minimalist. Don’t be afraid to go for the second option if you’ve made the previous step very elaborate.
  2. Mark the edges with the felt-tip pen, just like the other parts of the face, so that everything you’ve drawn is clearly visible.
  3. Then color the face as you want.
  4. Repeat this step to decorate the wings.
  5. Stick each part you have made to the cup using glue or tape. Then put the LED lights under the cup so that the angel gives light.

You will see that this gives you a beautiful decorative piece to place in a special corner of your home. As far as we’re concerned, these little angels aren’t just for Christmas at all. It all depends on what style you give it.

2. Lighted Photo Frames

Illuminated glasses

Let’s move on and see how we can enjoy the eternal memories in our home even more. Today, very few people have their photos printed. Instead, most people just keep their photos on their phone or computer. It’s time to change this and showcase our beautiful moments!


  • Ruler
  • Scissors
  • Photo
  • Parchment
  • Glass cups
  • Double-sided tape
  • Candles (regular or battery powered)

Before you get started with your photos, we want to give you a few tips to make your job easier. The idea is to show how creative you are and display the important memories you don’t want to forget.

We recommend using horizontal photos so that they cover the entire glass and the candlelight will envelop the entire image. In addition, having a photo printed in black and white on parchment paper will give it a nostalgic look.


  1. Carefully cut the photo so that it is the same width and height as the glass you will be using.
  2. After placing the photo in the glass, use double-sided tape to stick it.
  3. If the glass you are using is very large, you may need to use several shots to cover all sides.
  4. After sticking the photo, carefully place the (unlit) candle in the glass. 

A big advantage is that the candle will look beautiful everywhere. It will stand out either because of the light it gives or just because of its presence.

As additional advice, we recommend using a scented candle to give your illuminated glass an extra finishing touch.

In addition, we want to share another interesting fact with you: these lighted picture frames are a great option for decorating cozy gatherings, both indoors and outdoors.

Get started with your own version of these illuminated glasses! 

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