Make Fun Things Yourself With Crates And Boxes

Here we show you seven fun things to make with crates and boxes that are simple and practical. With this you can keep your house organized, and of course make it look nice.
Make fun things yourself with crates and boxes

Decorating with crates and boxes is an easy and fun way to create your own style. The boxes can be made of wood or cardboard. Both are very easy to get and you can pick them out based on how you plan to use them.

Cardboard boxes come in many shapes and sizes, and the best part is that they are versatile. Moreover , by finding other applications you reduce the impact on our environment. In other words, it helps to recycle.

On the other hand, you can make sturdier things if you use wooden crates. You can use this to carry more weight. However, you must be careful when working with wooden crates as you can get splinters.

Advantages of using crates and boxes

Crates on the wall

1. They are cheap.

2. Different sizes are available.

3. They are practical and used for various purposes.

4. They are easy to decorate with paint, fabric and other woodworking techniques.

5. There are different thicknesses and firmness for different applications.

6. Crafts are good for your psychological and emotional health. Focusing your attention on what you do and not on what you think helps to relax.

Now let’s take a look at what you can do with crates and boxes, among other things!

1. Organizers for your desk

Organizer for your desk

It is very common to find pens, pencils and markers everywhere and nowhere. You can make nice organizers from a cardboard box to keep them.


  • Cardboard box
  • Empty toilet rolls
  • Paint
  • Glue


  • Decorate the box as you like.
  • Glue the toilet rolls into the box.
  • Paint the inside of the rollers.
  • Place pens and pencils in the rollers when the paint is dry.


  • Place the organizer on a desk.
  • Use the smallest rolls for small items.
  • Use the longer rolls for rulers.
  • Put the different types of items in groups.

You can be creative there!

2. Underwear organizers

Boxes in drawers

Searching for underwear in a disorganized drawer can waste time that you can use in other ways. Also, a messy drawer is not nice to look at.

That is why we recommend that you make your own underwear organizer with cardboard boxes, which you can place in the drawers.


  • A medium-sized cardboard box, such as a shoe box
  • Leftover cardboard
  • Fabric to cover it
  • fabric glue


  • First, cover the entire box with fabric, inside and out.
  • Then cut out pieces of cardboard to make boxes in the box.
  • Cut out pieces of fabric to cover the walls of the compartments.
  • Place the box in a drawer, then fill it with underwear.

3. A box to store toilet paper

Box for toilet paper

One of the easiest ways to decorate your bathroom is to use boxes. The toilet paper rolls eventually fit perfectly in a covered box, without a lid, on a table or shelf in the bathroom.


  • A box that fits four rolls of toilet paper
  • Glue
  • Rope


  • Start applying the glue on one side of the box.
  • Attach the rope to the glue and cover the entire box with it.
  • Then let it dry.
  • Place the toilet paper rolls in it.

4. Storing towels

Like toilet paper, towels can also make the closet look cluttered. It’s a good idea to roll them up and store them in a fabric-covered box.

You can also use the lid to hold smaller towels or washcloths, for example, if you wish.

5. Tea box

Green tea

Today there are many types of tea, and keeping them together in the same box is a practical solution that is also very decorative.

The best way is to use wooden boxes, as they are more robust.


  • Small pieces of wood to make dividers
  • Wooden box or crate
  • Glue
  • Paint
  • lacquer


  • First, cut small pieces of wood with a small saw to make the partitions.
  • Then glue them together and let them dry.
  • Paint the wood with colors you like.
  • Finally, use lacquer to keep the wood in good condition.

6. A magazine rack

This is one of the most classic crafts out there. It’s a good idea to keep magazines organized and neat and they look nice on a rack.


  • A number of rectangular cardboard boxes, such as cereal boxes.
  • newspapers
  • Glue
  • Paint
  • Water


  • Take one of the boxes and put it upright. Cut diagonally to halfway through the box. This way you can recognize the magazines when you put them in.
  • Do the same with another box (or several boxes).
  • Glue them together and let them dry.
  • Cut pieces of newspaper for the other side.
  • Make a mixture of equal parts water and glue.
  • Spread the mixture over the box so that you glue the pieces of newspaper. That will make the boxes stronger.
  • Then let it dry.
  • You can paint the boxes as desired once they are dry.

You can also replace the pieces of newspaper with toilet paper. It will not only make the boxes sturdier, it will also give them a rough texture that looks nice.

7. Accessory Storage System

Storage of jewelry

This is a fun and convenient way to store accessories that are always put in a drawer. They stay organized and you can see them right away.


  • A small, shallow box
  • Closet or wrapping paper
  • Pieces of fabric
  • Glue


  • Cover the box with decorative paper, both inside and out.
  • Roll the fabric and place them in the box, tightly next to each other.
  • Place rings between the rolls of fabric.
  • The result is a beautiful box in which you can store your accessories in an organized manner.

In general, you can relax and enjoy tinkering with boxes and decorating spaces in an easy way. In addition, it is cheap and simple. Use your imagination!

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