How Can You Whiten Your Armpit Skin?

Not only should we be careful of the sun so as not to aggravate the situation, we should also avoid the lemon when we have just shaved.
How can you whiten your armpit skin?

The armpit is very delicate and sensitive. By using deodorant, shaving your armpits or sweating, the skin on the armpits is sometimes darker than the skin on the arms. This is something some women like to try to cover up.

Below we discuss the possible causes of dark underarms and provide some natural remedies to whiten your underarms.

Excess sweating

If this is the cause of your darker armpits, you should know that sweating is one of the ways the body excretes waste. Therefore, it is not a good idea to use products that completely stop sweating. However, such products do exist.

To combat excessive sweating in a natural way, you can use the following remedies:

  • Use caustic foods, such as green tea or avocado seed infusions.
  • Infusions of sage can not only be drunk, but also applied externally.
  • Clean your armpits regularly with red clay water. Dissolve some of the clay in water and wash your armpits with it. Use a compress or towel for this.
  • Use traces of dewclaw. These spores absorb sweat and at the same time stop the growth of bacteria, which are responsible for bad odors. It also prevents irritation and rashes. Use it where you sweat the most, morning and night. Avoid open wounds.
  • Also keep in mind that a tense, emotional state leads to increased sweat production.
Dewclaw against excessive sweating

Accumulation of dead cells

The skin is constantly regenerating itself. However, sometimes it is difficult to remove dead cells and they build up. To prevent this, you can gently scrape them off weekly with a little sodium bicarbonate.

Always do this before removing your armpit hair to avoid irritation. Afterwards, clean your armpit with water and apply a moisturizing cream.

Products with alcohol or strong perfumes

It is not recommended to use products that are aggressive to your armpits. The skin is very thin and becomes even more delicate when you remove your armpit hair.

So always use natural and organic products, such as alum stone deodorant and deodorant in solid form.

Hair removal

The method you use to remove your underarm hair can also cause your underarms to darken. That is why it is recommended to find an alternative to shaving. The best method is to use wax.

After removing the hair, we also recommend using a cream or gel to soothe the irritation. For example, you can use aloe vera gel or a cream based on marigold.

Armpits whitening naturally


The armpit region is also vulnerable to infections due to, among other things, poor hygiene. Moisture easily accumulates in this region and so we have to be extra careful to keep the region clean and dry. You can use a deodorant that contains tea tree oil.

This will kill both bacteria and fungi. However, you can also choose to purchase the essential oil and add it to moisturizing creams. You can also apply the oil directly to the armpit daily.

Friction of clothes

Very tight clothing can irritate and darken the armpit. Therefore, avoid synthetic materials, as well as sleeves that are too tight.

How can you whiten your armpit skin?

No doubt you have some foods and natural products in your home that can help you whiten your armpits without the risk of darkening them further.


Lemon helps remove dead cells and whiten areas that have darkened. It also doubles as a deodorant, so you can use this remedy daily.

How do you use it?
  • Just cut a lemon in half and rub one half under your armpit.
  • Let it dry and then just get dressed.

Do not apply lemon shortly after shaving, as that could cause an intense burning sensation.

Potato juice

Potato juice has bleaching properties. If you have a blender, you can try this remedy.

  • Mix the juice of a piece of potato and apply it under the armpit with a cotton ball.

Oxygenated water

Finally, we have a bleach that you probably already know as a product to whiten your hair.

  • Simply rub a little of this water under your armpits every day and you will quickly notice that they become paler.

Photos: Fernando Stankuns and Cuervo_ 

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