How To Get Your Metabolism Into High Gear

To improve your overall health and lose weight effectively, you need to speed up your metabolism. A slow metabolism makes it difficult to lose weight. In this article we share some tips to keep your metabolism working at maximum speed.
This is how you get your metabolism into a higher gear

The tips in this article will not only help you speed up your metabolism, but also improve the chemical processes in every cell in your body. A faster metabolism can help you lose weight faster and burn more calories, even if you’re not physically active at the time.

This is also known as the basal metabolic rate, the amount of energy your body uses during the day to function properly. Your body needs more calories to maintain muscle mass than it does to maintain fat. This ensures that your metabolism becomes faster if you have more muscle mass and less fat. To do this, you need to exercise regularly and eat healthy.

1. Speed ​​up your metabolism by building muscle mass

Speed ​​up your metabolism by building muscle

Strength training is necessary to build muscle mass and it is just as important as cardio. Therefore, you should lift weights by using fitness equipment or performing push-ups and sit-ups. In addition, however, you should also do enough cardio, such as running, cycling or swimming.

Even when we’re not moving, our muscles burn calories because they require a high level of energy. So by increasing your muscle mass, you can speed up your basal metabolic rate. As a result, your body will in turn burn more calories during the day.

2. The Importance of HIIT

Speed ​​up your metabolism by doing cardio

HIIT ( High Intensity Interval Training) stands for training routines based on high intensity intervals. HIIT alternates between high-intensity intervals and normal cardio training.

  • To give an example, you can sprint in intervals or cycle at maximum speed.

High-intensity exercise is a great way to burn calories. However, regular exercise is not enough to expend energy as your body gets used to the routine and burns fewer calories. So, the high-intensity intervals you apply with HIIT force your body to expend even more energy.

3. Eat Regularly

Making sure you don’t wait too long between meals  will also help speed up your metabolism. If you go too long without eating, your blood sugar will drop. This will make you tired and slow down your metabolism.

  • So, eating more often will help your digestive system stay active more often and for longer periods of time, which can speed up your metabolism.
  • A handful of nuts or a piece of fruit every few hours is sufficient.

In addition, eating more often reduces your appetite, giving you more control over the size of your portions. This ensures that the calorie intake decreases and the metabolism kicks into high gear.

4. Add some spice to your meals

Speed ​​up your metabolism by eating spicy things

Spicy foods, such as chili, cayenne or paprika, contain a compound called capsaicin. This ingredient is why you sweat when you eat spicy foods. However, there is more:

  • Capsaicin helps the body reduce fat by helping to break down immature fat cells.
  • Eating spicy foods more often can therefore help you lose weight and burn fat.

5. Make Protein a Priority

Our digestive system takes more time and energy to process and absorb protein-rich foods than it does for high-fat and sugary foods. In fact, your body needs to burn 20-30% of the calories it takes in through protein to absorb it.

On the other hand, carbohydrates require only 5-15% of the energy expended for absorption. At the same time, your body stores foods that are high in carbohydrates as fat, while proteins are used to create muscle mass. A high-protein diet can therefore help you build muscle mass, a tip we gave at the beginning of this article.

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