Relieving Back And Neck Pain: Some Exercises And Advice!

When doing exercises to reduce neck pain, you need to consider how you feel. Adjust the exercises to your abilities. Don’t overdo it as you will make the situation worse.

Today, back and neck pain are among the most common problems. This is mainly due to bad posture. But how can you relieve back and neck pain?

We spend many hours in front of the computer. Usually we keep our backs wrong and head tilted down. That is the main reason that we suffer from stiffness in the neck and back.

It is important that you make the muscles stronger and more flexible. One muscle plays an important role in the neck, the trapezius muscle. This muscle is also responsible for headaches due to the tension and stiffness in that muscle.

  • Weakened neck muscles.
  • Lack of exercise and poor posture for hours.
  • A sedentary life.
  • stress
  • Overweight: If you are overweight and have poor dietary habits, the back has to work harder. Moreover, being overweight causes an overload on the back. This will cause pain.
  • Emotional problems: they cause stress and depression. The result is stiffness and pain in the neck and back.
  • Heredity: Sometimes back pain is a genetic condition. Because it can be due to diseases that affect the spine.

1. Rotate

These exercises stretch the muscles on both sides of the neck. That way you can relax your muscles and relieve your neck pain.

  • You can perform this exercise while sitting on a chair.
  • Gently move the head to one side and then the other.

Try to twist the neck as far as possible. Stretch the muscle as much as you can handle.

2. Raising the shoulders

  • Raise the shoulders as if you were trying to touch your ears. Stay in this position for a few seconds and then relax.
  • After letting the shoulders relax, repeat the exercise.

This exercise helps to relieve the pain that extends across the entire back.

3. Neck Forward Stretches

  • Do this exercise while sitting. In the starting position, keep your head upright.
  • Then lower the chin to the chest. Stay in this pose for a few seconds.
  • Then return to the starting position keeping your head upright. Repeat the exercise.

4. Back Neck Stretches

This exercise makes the neck muscles flexible. It is important that you provide support for the back. Do this by sitting with your back against the back of the chair.

  • Tilt the head back. Stay in this position for a few seconds, then tilt your head back to center.
  • It is especially important that you do this slowly.

5. Neck Side Stretches

  • In these exercises, you tilt the neck to one side until the head almost touches the shoulder. Make sure the shoulder is relaxed.
  • Stay in this position for a few seconds. Then tilt your head to the other side.
  • To stretch further, you can use the hand from the opposite side and apply some pressure.

Better breathing

By breathing correctly , the body becomes more relaxed. In this way you remove the tensions that are often the cause of pain and you can relieve back and neck pain.

Self massage

Is there no one who can give you a massage? No problem, then you massage yourself. This can be a very effective way to treat the problem area.

  • Press the right shoulder with the left hand while gently tilting the head to the left.
  • Apply light pressure with the fingers. Also make gentle movements from the neck to the shoulder. Then do the exercise in the other direction.

Apply an anti-inflammatory gel or ointment

It is also a good idea to place a lukewarm or warm herbal pillow on the area of ​​pain. Be careful not to burn the skin. This is a simple and easy way to tackle the problem. But it works very effectively: it relaxes the muscles and relieves the pain.

Move more and do exercises

Keep moving. Because that’s really good for the neck and back. Go for a walk, swim or jog… Don’t forget to do stretching exercises afterwards.

By moving, the blood flow in the stiff body parts increases.

Get a good night’s sleep

A good night’s sleep is essential for the body to recover. This prevents pain in the shoulders and back.

If you have a hard time falling asleep, try making valerian tea. There are many great herbs that help you sleep naturally.

A healthy weight

If you are overweight, try to lose weight. Because that will ensure that you put less strain on your body.

Good posture

To avoid pain, you need to pay attention to a number of things. Always maintain the correct posture: sit upright with your head erect and your shoulders back.

Avoid lifting heavy objects

If you must lift heavy objects, bend your knees and keep your back straight.

If the pain persists and lasts for several days, we recommend that you consult a specialist. An expert can conduct a full examination and recommend the appropriate treatment.

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