A Garlic And Lemon Remedy To Strengthen Your Nails

Garlic and lemon provide you with minerals and other nutrients. They promote strong growth and the health of your nails. In addition, they also prevent the nails from weakening and breaking.
A remedy of garlic and lemon to make your nails stronger

Today there is a wide variety of cosmetic products for the nails. They promise that they will strengthen your nails and prevent them from weakening and breaking. However, you can also use a garlic and lemon remedy.

You may be trying to avoid it. Yet the nails are constantly exposed to the environmental elements. They can deteriorate as a result. This is not only due to the substances with which they come into contact. It can also be a result of nutritional deficiencies or a disease.

Manicures and other treatments help to take care of the nails. Sometimes additional measures are also necessary. That way you provide the nails with the nutrients they need.

In addition to the traditional alternatives, there are also solutions that are 100% natural. They have properties that promote the hardening of the nails and keep them strong and healthy.

In this article we introduce you to a remedy of garlic and lemon. Regular application of this treatment will remarkably improve the appearance of weak nails.

So don’t give up!

A remedy of garlic and lemon to make the nails stronger

Caring for strong nails

This garlic and lemon remedy is a natural hardener. It is a biological treatment that will improve the condition of nails that often crack when they start to grow.

It combines some essential nutrients that strengthen the superficial layers of the nails. In this way they prevent the nails from deteriorating.

  • The garlic provides important sulfur components. Those elements help to repair damaged surface structures. It also ensures strong and shiny nails.
  • Sulfur prevents the effects of free radicals. It also helps prevent the growth of fungi or other active elements that cause infections.
  • This treatment is also an important source of vitamin C. This nutrient helps you maintain good collagen levels. This is necessary for strong and healthy nails.
  • This garlic and lemon remedy also contains minerals such as calcium and magnesium that help protect your nails.
  • You can also add a capsule with vitamin E. This antioxidant is known for its ability to hydrate, renew and protect.

How do you make this garlic and lemon remedy yourself?

A remedy of garlic and lemon

What are the benefits of making this nail treatment at home? The ingredients are much more affordable than the commercial products you can buy in pharmacies, drugstores and beauty salons.

In addition, they do not contain any chemicals.  They will have no negative side effects. You can even use them on sensitive nails.


  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice (30 ml)
  • 1 capsule of vitamin E
  • 1 bottle of clear nail polish


  • Crush the garlic cloves. Then stir them through the lemon juice. Also add the vitamin E gel from the capsule.
  • Then let this mixture sit for 15 to 20 minutes. Then mix it with the nail polish.
  • For easy use, you can pour everything into a small jar.

Method of use

  • Remove all nail polish from your nails. Then wash your hands with a neutral soap. Then apply a thin layer of this hardener.
  • Make sure to cover the nails completely. Leave the treatment on your nails for three days.
  • After that time, remove the product. Then let your nails rest for a day and then reapply the garlic and lemon remedy.
  • Use this treatment on a regular basis. In just a few weeks you will have stronger and longer nails.

Some more tips for strong nails

Tips to strengthen your nails

This home remedy is an effective solution for brittle nails. However, it is important that you also consider other aspects of grooming. That way you will quickly achieve the best results.

Many people neglect this. However, certain habits are fundamental to prevent the nails from breaking or discoloring.

That is why you should make sure that you supplement the use of this garlic and lemon remedy with the following habits:

  • A healthy diet that contains a lot of protein, antioxidants and minerals.
  • Drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water a day.
  • Wear protective gloves. Do this especially when working with cleaning products made with chemicals.
  • Moisturize the surface of the nails and cuticles daily.

You should also avoid certain harmful habits. We give some examples:

  • nail biting
  • Using your fingernails as ‘tools’
  • Cut your cuticles
  • Using aggressive beauty products (such as chemical nail polish, for example)
  • Don’t clean the nails

Are your nails growing slowly? Do they often burst when you least expect it? If you notice any sign of weakening, don’t hesitate to make your own treatment at home. Nourish your nails to keep them strong.

If your nails continue to break despite proper care, talk to your doctor. He can determine the cause. This is often overlooked. However, weak nails can be a sign of certain health problems.

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