Apple Cider Vinegar To Add To Your Beauty Routine

When using apple cider vinegar for beauty purposes, for your hair and also your skin, it is very important that you dissolve the vinegar in water to avoid allergic reactions and that you choose organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar.
Apple cider vinegar as an addition to your beauty routine

Apple cider vinegar is very versatile and can be used in cooking, medicine, household and beauty treatments. You can also use apple cider vinegar as an addition to your beauty routine. Also not unimportant: whatever you want to use apple cider vinegar for, it is kind to your wallet.

Apple cider vinegar is made from fermented apples. The vinegar contains malic acid and not only owes its color to this, but also its strong smell.

You may already have a bottle of apple cider vinegar in your kitchen cupboard to use while cooking. However, don’t limit the use of apple cider vinegar to the kitchen. Apple cider vinegar has a ton of health and beauty benefits, so why not take advantage of it?

Apple cider vinegar as an addition to your beauty routine

1. The health of your hair

Apple cider vinegar is not only cheap and readily available, but it will also leave your hair feeling smooth and clean. Apple cider vinegar has been proven to make your hair stronger and fight dandruff.

Apple cider vinegar gently cleanses the hair follicle, stimulating new hair growth and removing toxins and other substances that can clog the hair follicle.

Hair without Dandruff


Dissolve one cup of apple cider vinegar in two cups of distilled water and pour into a spray bottle. Apply this mixture all over your hair after washing your hair. Leave it on for ten minutes and then rinse it out.

Try to avoid direct contact with the scalp as this can cause skin irritation. This method is not recommended for people who suffer from damaged hair or people with hair implants.

2. Acne or Skin Blemishes

Apple cider vinegar can protect and improve your skin. The product contains antibiotic properties and certain acids that can fight oil and fat secretion on the skin. If you have oily or combination skin, the properties apple cider vinegar contains can help control the acne it causes. Apple cider vinegar can also make dark spots on the skin less visible.

Before using apple cider vinegar all over your skin, test whether your skin is not sensitive to it to avoid skin irritation.


To use apple cider vinegar for skin, just as you would for hair, mix one cup of apple cider vinegar with two cups of distilled water. Then apply this mixture to the areas of skin that you think are needed.

3. Reducing Skin Aging

Prevent skin aging and keep the skin healthy by using apple cider vinegar as an addition to your beauty routine

Smooth Skin

This potent agent is said to promote circulation, regulate pH balance and remove dead skin cells that give your skin a dull appearance.

Apple cider vinegar can help even skin tone and reduce impurities that cause premature skin aging. This will make your skin look young and radiant.

Dissolve one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in five tablespoons of water and apply it to the skin.

4. Disinfectant and medicine

You can also use apple cider vinegar to treat small cuts or insect bites.

This will not only help prevent unwanted infections in small cuts, but also aid cell regeneration.


Add a few drops of vinegar to a liquid soap or bath water when taking a bath.

Glasses with apple cider vinegar

5. Stay healthy by adding apple cider vinegar to your beauty routine

If you’re looking for a natural product for everyday use, choose apple cider vinegar as an addition to your beauty routine. It’s not for nothing that the ‘rich and famous’ swear by apple cider vinegar and tout it as their secret weapon to stay in shape.


Add a few drops of apple cider vinegar to your glass of water daily. See for yourself what this will do for both your beauty and your health. Not only will you get a boost to stay in shape, but you’ll also benefit from the many other health benefits of apple cider vinegar.

Remember that you should always dissolve apple cider vinegar in water before drinking it. Drinking pure apple cider vinegar can cause negative side effects.

6. Say goodbye to fungal nails

The disinfectant properties of apple cider vinegar can not only help you get rid of fungal nails, but can also help fight infections caused by fungi that can negatively affect health. More research is needed to prove this scientifically, but it is well known as a home remedy for fungi.


To use apple cider vinegar for this, make a foot bath by dissolving one cup of apple cider vinegar in two cups of water and soaking your feet in it for 15 minutes.

7. Natural Deodorant

Because apple cider vinegar can control the natural pH balance of the skin, you can also use it very well as a natural deodorant.


Dissolve the apple cider vinegar in water before use to reduce the strong odor. Soak a cotton ball in a mixture of one part vinegar to three parts water. Apply this on the skin.

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