Beauty Tips For Thinner-looking Face

Did you know that thick eyebrows make your face appear thinner? It’s not about how many hairs you remove, but about the shape you give to your eyebrows.
Beauty tips for a thinner-looking face

Some women have a fairly round face, with full cheeks that they would like a little thinner. How can you get a thinner-looking face  without making sacrifices or working really hard for it? In this article, we’ll give you some simple beauty tips that will work wonders for your face.

The best haircut for a thinner looking face


If you want your face to look thinner, you should avoid curly or wavy hairstyles. When this type of hair falls on your face, your facial features appear larger. Therefore, always opt for a straight haircut or a haircut with many layers. Straight hair makes your cheeks look slightly smaller.

If you have naturally curly hair, try softening these curls into soft waves rather than a big, full bunch of curls.

Also try to avoid a hair length that ends at the jaws. Your haircut can be longer or shorter, but make sure your ends don’t run along your jawline, as this will make your jaw look wider.

The best hair length is just above your chin. When people look at you, their eyes fall on your cheekbones, making your face look softer and thinner.

What about a pony? Long, short, with bangs or without? In this case, opt for an asymmetrical slanted fringe, just like you can see in the photo above. By cutting your hair like this one, you make your facial features a little softer and less round-eyed. You will definitely like this hairstyle.

Our final tip when it comes to hairstyles is that you always part your hair in a side part and never in a center part. By wearing your hair in a middle part, you get a much stricter look.

The best makeup for a thinner-looking face


1. Soft colors on the lips

This is definitely the best tip when it comes to makeup. Maybe you’re a fan of bright colors like bright red lipstick, but you’re better off opting for softer colors. This will make your face look softer and more balanced and your jawline less tight.

Choosing a pink or nude shade will make your mouth appear much wider, which balances out the rest of your face, making it appear much thinner. Remember you will look fabulous with a pink or nude lip gloss.

2. Just enough rouge

Do you often choose to put on rouge? If yes, then this is very good, because  rouge is an excellent means to make your face look thinner. In this case, it is best to opt for a bronzer,  which will also lighten your cheeks a bit.

  • Sweep the brush in an oblique line over your cheeks towards the hairline.
  • Always try to draw slanting lines instead of straight lines, because this can ensure that you get a soft, thin look with the rouge or bronzer and not angular.

Focus on colors that lighten your face and avoid dark colors. For example, opt for a shimmery rouge over a dark bronzer. This will suit you very well.

3. What kind of eyeshadow should I use?

You probably already know this golden rule: if you wear a lot of makeup on your eyes, it is better to use a lighter color for your lips. And if you’re doing a deep color on your lips, use lighter makeup for your eyes. Since we go for softer colors on the lips, we can indulge ourselves on our eyes.

Use an eyeliner to make your eyes stand out and draw attention to your gaze and the top of your face. Choose colors that make your eyes pop and use eyeshadow that has a nice lightening effect.

Can my eyebrows make my face look thinner?

eyebrows of a woman

Of course you can, much thinner even. You’ve probably noticed that thick, bold eyebrows are now in fashion, which is excellent for a thinner-looking face. Thick eyebrows can help you on your way.

You don’t have to worry about epilating your eyebrows at all now. On the contrary, you should shape them so that the thick part in the middle ends in a thin point. This gives your face a nice frame and draws attention to the upper part of your face.

So try to combine a straight haircut just above or below the chin with a light side part to get a thinner-looking face. You can also make your cheeks less full by following a low-fat and low-sodium diet. Salt causes your body to retain moisture, making your face look fuller.

If you combine a healthy diet with these simple and affordable tips, you will definitely look better in no time. 

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