Care After Wisdom Teeth Extraction

After having your wisdom teeth pulled, the most important thing is to clean your mouth well, rest, and be careful when eating. It is a painful procedure, but most of the time it is necessary and unavoidable.
Care after having your wisdom teeth pulled

Many people hate going to the dentist because they are afraid of painful treatments. Wisdom teeth extraction is usually one of the sources of anxiety, as it can be very painful at times.

Wisdom teeth are teeth that appear when you are between the ages of 17 and 25. However, in some people they never appear. They are located in the back of the mouth.

The truth is that sometimes you don’t notice when they come on. Sometimes they cause certain symptoms and it is necessary to remove them. For example, if they press against the other teeth, they create tension in your mouth.

In this article we explain everything you need to know about having your wisdom teeth extracted. We also discuss care after surgery to prevent complications.

Why should you have your wisdom teeth pulled?

As we have already mentioned, the wisdom teeth appear at a young age when the other teeth are already fully formed. This means that many people do not have enough space in their mouth for these teeth to grow and develop normally.

Therefore, some wisdom teeth can grow by pressing on the adjacent tooth. They may even grow towards the back of the mouth or not even penetrate the jawbone.

This can cause pain and complications. The gums can become infected, the adjacent teeth can become damaged, and the entire area often becomes inflamed.

Even people with small mouths notice that all teeth change. The teeth can eventually shift due to pressure from the wisdom teeth. Even if they seem to be fine at first, problems can arise over time.

Because they are in the back of the mouth, it is common for these teeth to have cavities or build up food behind them. Because of all these aspects, it is sometimes better to remove them than to maintain them.

A man holds his hand to his jaw

Care after having your wisdom teeth pulled

Wisdom teeth can cause jaw pain or even headaches. They can also cause bad breath and inflammation of the gums. The extraction is done via an outpatient procedure. It usually takes about an hour and a half, and dentists use local anaesthetic.

Immediately after having your wisdom teeth extracted, dentists recommend certain steps to help the recovery go smoothly. First, it is important to take painkillers. You can use them to relieve the pain or to prevent it from developing.

For that you can use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), for example paracetamol and ibuprofen. You can also put a cold compress on your cheek to reduce the inflammation. Other tips include:

  • Do not spit immediately after surgery. This will prevent the wound from bleeding.
  • It is important to take the whole day off. Also, don’t do any strenuous activities.
  • When choosing meals, we recommend that you eat soft food for the first 24 hours.
  • It is also essential to drink plenty of water and avoid hot drinks, alcohol and coffee.
  • You should not smoke or use chewing tobacco as it can affect the healing process.
A man lies in the dentist's chair

Dentists usually place one or two stitches to close the wound. Although it may seem unpleasant, you should clean the area well. It is best not to brush your teeth or rinse your mouth for the first few hours.

Soon after, however, you should thoroughly clean your mouth and take care of the wound. Try brushing the area gently with a toothbrush. Some dentists recommend rinsing with salt water to improve healing.


Most people don’t want to have their wisdom teeth pulled as it can be painful or annoying. However, if you follow your dentist’s advice and get regular checkups, there should be no complications.

Not everyone has wisdom teeth and not everyone will have painful symptoms. It is important to visit your dentist regularly to assess the condition of your teeth.

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