Detox Your Colon With Kefir And Linseed

To make detoxing your colon easier, it is also important that you drink at least two liters of water a day in addition to applying this treatment.
Detox your colon with kefir and linseed

Although your body is basically able to remove toxins and waste itself, it can sometimes become overloaded, causing these substances to build up. Therefore, natural remedies with kefir and linseed can sometimes be helpful.

Constipation, metabolic changes, and skin conditions are some of the signs that your colon is full of toxins.

In this article, we share an effective and healthy remedy to detoxify your colon.

What are the benefits of kefir and linseed?

Try a remedy with kefir and linseed. These products are both low in calories and packed with powerful nutrients that are good for digestive health and gut health.

Let’s take a closer look at all the benefits these two ingredients have to offer.

1. The benefits of flaxseed

Flax seed

Flaxseeds are small seeds characterized by their high fiber content and the large amount of essential omega-3 fatty acids it contains.

The seed contains forty percent fiber, one third of which is soluble and the rest insoluble. Linseed also contains substances such as lignan, which are said to protect body cells against oxidative stress.

Flaxseed has long been used as a supplement to remove toxins from the colon, because it has a mild laxative effect that is said to improve bowel movements.

It also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can help improve conditions such as gastritis, abdominal pain and internal bleeding.

2. The benefits of kefir


Kefir is a fermented liquid that contains several beneficial microorganisms that improve the intestinal flora.

Kefir has a white-yellowish color and a soft texture with small grains in it. They sometimes look a bit like small cauliflower rosettes.

This stuff contains, among other things, lactic acid, bacteria and yeast. These are substances that counteract harmful organisms that can cause infections in the intestines.

Consuming this healthy food and the microbial flora it contains regularly can help flush toxins from the colon and improve the overall health of your digestive system.

In many cultures, kefir is known as “the elixir of health and longevity” as it is believed to have several health benefits.

Preparation of the remedy with linseed and kefir

Flaxseed with Kefir

It takes about twenty-one days to cleanse the colon through linseed and kefir. During these twenty-one days it is important not to eat too much fat and sugar, as well as not too many products that are very acidic.


  • ½ cup kefir (100-150 ml)
  • 1 to 3 tablespoons flaxseed (10 to 30 grams)


  • During the first week of this treatment, you should consume 100 ml of kefir mixed with one tablespoon of linseed every day.
  • In the second week, consume 100 ml of kefir mixed with two tablespoons of linseed every day.
  • During the third week, consume 150 ml of kefir mixed with three tablespoons of linseed.
  • For best results, it is important to also drink at least two liters of water every day during these twenty-one days.

Before using any natural remedy, check with your doctor and get his or her approval. 

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