Discover How To Naturally Cleanse Your Kidneys

Your kidneys are an extremely important part of your body. Learn how to keep them clean naturally. We explain it in this article!

Your kidneys are organs shaped like beans. They are located approximately in the middle of the back, below the ribs.

They are part of the urinary system. Although they are only the size of a fist, life without kidneys is practically impossible.

They are said to be highly developed processing machines because their function is to remove metabolic waste.

Here are some examples of metabolic waste excretion: urea, uric acid, sulfates, drugs and medication.

The kidneys have a number of other important functions:

  • Preserving essential ingredients for life. In addition, they produce and secrete hormones and enzymes that play a role in regulating circulation and the flow of the kidney.
  • They also allow the erythrocytes in the bone marrow to mature.
  • Yet another function of the kidneys is to control nutrients for bone metabolism.

The kidneys thus control the organs that selectively remove and store water and various chemical components. These are the elements that keep the blood clean and chemically balanced.

Since they are vital organs, you have to take good care of them. Also pay attention to discomfort or pain in this area.

Do I need to clean my kidneys?

It is sometimes not easy to know when it is necessary to cleanse the kidneys. Because the symptoms are not really clear.

In general, you usually experience the following discomforts when you need to cleanse your kidneys:

  • Headache
  • Stomach ache
  • Fatigue
  • Skin problems

Your kidneys process about one hundred and ninety liters of blood every day. They only remove two liters of waste products and the water that you have drunk too much.

How do I cleanse my kidneys in a natural way?

There are many natural plants and foods that are very effective in detoxifying your kidneys. We give you an overview of some of them:

To drink water

Drinking water is the easiest and healthiest way to cleanse your kidneys.

By simply drinking six to eight glasses of water a day, you can let the body take full advantage of its positive effects.

Parsley infusion

Parsley is an aromatic herb that often grows in orchards and gardens. It is also widely used to season food. But parsley has one special feature: it has diuretic properties.

You can drink it as tea.

What ingredients do you need?

  • 4 tablespoons parsley (40 g)
  • 4 cups of water (1 liter)

How do you prepare it?

  • Wash the parsley and then chop it finely.
  • Heat the water until it boils. Then add the parsley and let it soak for one minute.
  • Let it cool and then put it in the fridge.
  • Drink one glass every day for a week.

You should not use parsley in the following cases:

  • Pregnancy
  • Kidney failure
  • kidney stones
  • Duodenal ulcers, tender stomach or gastritis

Horsetail tea


This medicinal plant has blood purifying, diuretic and remineralizing properties.

To take advantage of this, you can make a tea.

What ingredients do you need?

  • 4 tablespoons horsetail (40 g)
  • 4 cups of water (1 liter)

How do you prepare this tea?

  • First, heat the water along with the horsetail leaves for a few minutes until it boils.
  • Once it boils, remove it from the heat and let it stand until cool.
  • We recommend drinking one liter of this tea daily. Do this over a period of fifteen days. After that period, you should pause this cure so that your body is not too much affected by the ponytail.

In the same way, you can enjoy the benefits of other beneficial herbs. You can use gin, dandelion, ginger or nettle, among other things.

Cleaning your kidneys with foods and juices that can help

There are some other foods that can help you take care of your kidneys. You can combine them in all kinds of juices. Below we give you a list of these beneficial foods and juices:

  • Pumpkin
  • Cucumber, celery, watercress
  • Watermelon
  • Banana
  • Papaya
  • beets
  • blueberries
  • Lemon
  • Parsley

Why are you having problems with your kidneys?

Most disorders of the urinary system are the result of high toxicity in the blood due to an excess of proteins.

That doesn’t mean these foods are bad on their own. But it does mean that their effects depend on whether you eat too much of them. Another reason may be that there is no balance in your daily diet.

These are some products that weaken the functioning of the kidneys:

  • Animal proteins
  • Refined sugar
  • Milk and milk products
  • Salty
  • Medicines
  • Alcohol and sweets
  • Processed foods

The kidneys are sensitive organs. If you have severe pain that is not treated in time and in the right way, it can lead to serious conditions. You can suffer from kidney failure, inflammation, cysts, tumors and kidney stones.

If you feel anything abnormal or notice a symptom, it’s a good idea to try a detox. However, you must carry out this process on the advice and supervision of a specialist. 

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