Don’t Let Others Make You Feel Guilty

You are the only person who has the right to blame yourself, so learn to set boundaries for others.
Don't let others make you feel guilty

If others make you feel guilty, be careful! You may be dealing with someone who is trying to manipulate you for their own benefit.

Making someone else feel guilty is one of the easiest ways to get things done. Guilt has enormous power over people and can be used both for and against you.

Guilt is the feeling of convincing you that you have done something wrong. That you have not adapted well to the expectations that others had of you. And that you have to solve that somehow.

Sometimes it makes you humbly ask for forgiveness. In other situations, however, it can cause you to do things that benefit someone else. But… what if it’s all just a trap?

Manipulations that make you feel guilty

Hand Controlling The Strings Of A Puppet

When confronted with a manipulative person, you may suddenly start to feel guilty about the things you are doing. But chances are this person has no valid reason at all to talk you into this guilt.

For example, in a relationship, a manipulative person can make you feel guilty about spending time with your friends.

This allows this person to gain control over you and play you like a puppet, as it were.

Allowing yourself to be manipulated by others can make you feel bad. When this manipulation takes place continuously, it can eventually even damage your self-confidence.

You may not want to admit that other people—whether it’s your partner, a family member, or a friend—can make you doubt the things you do, whether you have the right to do something, or what you can or cannot do. like.

If you want to do something and others make you feel bad about it, it’s important to reflect on what you should or shouldn’t prioritize.

Other people are not always right

Man Standing In Front Of A Border

The biggest problem with not questioning others when they urge you to stop doing something they think is wrong is that it gives them a reason to keep doing it.

Why are you doing this? Because you tend to always want the approval and opinions of others. Especially about how the people around you make you feel.

If your partner makes you feel bad about wanting to do something fun with friends, then you won’t do it more or less often in the future, even if it’s painful. The opinion of the person on your side is more important to you than your own.

This is something you must learn to recognize and overcome. In any relationship, it’s important to know how to set boundaries. You also need to develop a clear idea of ​​what you are or are not able to tolerate.

Have faith in yourself

Woman Who Has Confidence In Herself And Doesn't Allow Others To Make Her Feel Guilty

It is important to be clear. Then no one can think that they have the right to make you feel bad when you do something that you enjoy yourself.

There are plenty of people who tend to use others.

And it’s up to you to prevent others from using you. By setting and imposing boundaries. And to be aware of the fact that the choices you make are in your hands and not in the hands of others.

It is important to gain more confidence in yourself. To let yourself be guided by your own intuition. Learn to turn down the volume of all those voices around you.

All that matters is what you want. All that matters is what makes you happy. You don’t have to be able to satisfy others and their desires at all, or be guided by what they think is right or wrong.

You are the only person that really matters in your life, along with the things you want to do and the times you want to do them.

You are no longer a small child who always has to listen to his parents.

By now you are an adult who has the power to make his own choices. You are free to do whatever you want. Even if other people have an opinion or disagree with it.

Don’t let others slow you down by making you feel guilty.

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