Eight Great Reasons To Eat More Eggs

Contrary to popular belief, eggs are not bad for health at all. Eggs increase good cholesterol and can even prevent cataracts and macular degeneration.
Eight great reasons to eat more eggs

A great way to start your day is by adding an egg to your breakfast. Eggs are a great source of protein and nutrients. Yet many people choose not to eat eggs.

Since they believe that eating too much egg will raise their cholesterol levels and negatively affect their health in the long run.

However, this is not true at all. Eggs are considered a ‘superfood’ and are an important part of today’s food pyramid. They offer several advantages. It is therefore wise to eat eggs, but in moderation of course.

In this article, we invite you to learn a little more about eggs and what they can do for your health.

8 reasons to eat more eggs!

1. Eggs aren’t bad for you

It is true that egg contains cholesterol, but this cholesterol is not dangerous for your health. Remember that your own body also produces cholesterol and that your body needs this cholesterol to support certain functions.

The important thing is that you balance your cholesterol levels in relation to what is normal. The amount of cholesterol in egg is not dangerous for healthy people, because it does not increase the level of bad cholesterol, also called LDL.

In addition, eggs do not contain saturated fats, fats that clearly pose risks to your health.

2. Eggs Contain Good Cholesterol


When you eat egg regularly, you provide your body with HDL lipoprotein, which is also known as ‘good cholesterol’. HDL cholesterol ensures that your body is better protected against cardiovascular problems and supports the health of your brain.

3. Eggs provide an essential nutrient: choline

Have you ever heard of choline? It’s perfectly normal if this isn’t the case. Still, choline is an essential nutrient for your health and well-being. Choline is one of the B complex vitamins and promotes the development of cell membranes and other essential molecules for proper brain function.

According to a clinical study conducted in the United States, more than 90% of the population is deficient in this nutrient. This deficiency can be easily remedied by eating more eggs and developing a healthy lifestyle.

4. Eggs Are Nutritious

As we mentioned earlier, eating a boiled egg or a delicious omelette is a great way to start your day.

Thanks to this healthy choice, you will provide your body with the following nutrients :

  • Vitamin A:  6% of the recommended daily amount.
  • Folic acid:  5% of the recommended daily amount.
  • Vitamin B5:  7% of the recommended daily amount.
  • Vitamin B12:  9% of the daily recommended amount.
  • And vitamin B2:  15% of the recommended daily amount.
  • Phosphorus:  9% of the recommended daily amount.
  • Selenium:  22% of the recommended daily amount.
  • 6 grams of protein  and 5 grams of healthy fat.

5. Egg is good for eyesight


As you get older, your eyesight deteriorates little by little. This process can be slowed down by including certain vitamins in your diet, including two vitamins that egg contains: lutein and zeaxanthin.

These two powerful antioxidants are good for the retinas of your eyes and can help prevent cataracts and macular degeneration. It is therefore a good idea to eat more eggs, five or six a week, to protect yourself against these conditions.

6. Organic eggs are the best – these eggs are low in triglycerides!

This is something that everyone should know: it is always wiser to buy organic eggs, which respect the chicken’s life cycle and do not use hormones.

However, do you know what the health benefits of natural free-range eggs are?

  • Free-range eggs contain higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids.
  • These eggs can lower the levels of triglycerides in your body.
  • Eating free-range eggs is good for your heart health.

7. Eggs are good for the brain

While egg did indeed have a bad reputation in the past, today many of these myths have been shattered.

  • Eating eggs won’t raise your cholesterol, so they don’t pose a risk to your heart and can help prevent dementia.
  • A large study that lasted more than a decade and involved nearly 300,000 people found that those who ate five to six eggs a week had no brain problems at all.
  • However, the study shows that people with diabetes should limit their consumption of eggs to two or three eggs per week.

8. Eggs are satiating and promote weight loss

weight loss

It is important to remember that it is not enough just to eat more eggs if you want to lose weight. However, what eating egg will do is ensure that you will feel full and therefore not feel the need to snack between meals.

Egg is rich in proteins and macronutrients. That’s why an ideal breakfast consists of a farmer’s omelet with spinach, a little apple on the side and a cup of white tea. You can continue on this breakfast until your lunch break without getting hungry.

Eggs are one of the most satiating foods in the world and will help you consume fewer calories throughout the day.

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