Five Recipes With Artichoke For The Treatment Of Fatty Liver

By combining the properties of artichokes with other ingredients, you not only ensure optimal functioning of the processes in the liver. They also purify the liver. This will prevent complications in the function of the liver, such as fatty liver.
Five recipes with artichoke for the treatment of fatty liver

Artichoke recipes can support the treatment of fatty liver.

Fatty liver is a medical condition that causes a buildup of triglycerides. In addition, it also leads to inflammation of the cells and to the formation of various fats in this organ that are accompanied by multiple symptoms. It is also possible that a person does not show any symptoms. The victims are then not aware that something is wrong.

So keep reading in this article. Because here you will discover five natural remedies. These artichoke recipes show you how the effects of artichokes can help prevent this medical condition. With this vegetable and with some other medicinal ingredients you can try to prevent and treat this liver ailment. So you will be able to improve your general health. So be sure to read on and try these remedies!

Artichoke recipes for the treatment of fatty liver

Artichokes are very good for you. They have many advantages to offer:

  • They protect the function of the liver and renew the liver cells.
  • These vegetables strengthen the bile.
  • They reduce the fat content.
  • Artichoke is also a powerful antioxidant that prevents aging.
  • They reduce the high levels of protein.
  • This vegetable prevents cardiovascular diseases.
  • They improve the functioning of the intestines.
  • They prevent fluid retention.
  • Artichokes lower blood sugar levels and prevent insulin resistance.

Artichoke remedies and recipes

1. Artichoke and Turmeric Soup

Soups are cleansing dishes. They provide many nutrients and few calories. You can also eat them all year round. The following recipe is a combination of artichoke with a hint of turmeric.

Turmeric is very beneficial for the liver. It also excels for its anti-inflammatory properties.


  • 2 artichokes
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric
  • 2 cups of water
  • sea ​​salt to taste

Guidelines and usage

  • Boil the artichokes and turmeric for 30 minutes.
  • Then add the sea salt to taste.
  • Eat the soup half an hour before each meal.

2. Roasted Artichokes with Lemon

Artichokes lovers can enjoy their taste and benefit even more when roasted or grilled in the oven. Wrap them in aluminum foil and let them simmer for at least 40 minutes. That should be enough to make sure the artichoke heart is very soft.

If you want to give them some extra flavor and give them even more power to treat fatty liver, you can combine them with lemon juice, black pepper, olive oil and sea salt.

The result is delicious. You can use it as an appetizer or as a side dish.

Artichoke recipes for the treatment of fatty liver

3. Salad with artichoke, radish and beetroot

Do you want a cold remedy that you can use on hot days? Then try this salad with artichoke. Here we combine the artichoke with two medicinal ingredients. This is one of the recipes with artichoke that will help you avoid getting fatty liver.

  • Radishes are bitter and sharp in taste. They improve the functioning of the liver and support the production of bile. In addition, they also contain a lot of vitamin C. You can also eat the leaves because they have healing and purifying properties.
  • Beets help to treat fatty liver and other diseases of the liver. This is due to the antioxidants they contain. Another positive effect is that they help to prevent the fats from oxidizing.

4. Rosemary and Artichoke Leaf Tea

The artichoke recipes we are discussing today are not complicated. This is a very simple way. It consists of preparing a medicinal infusion with the leaves and stem. That way you can save the heart to cook later and take advantage of the entire plant. However, you should be aware that the taste of this drink is very bitter.

You can also combine it with rosemary. This herb contains ursolic acid. Thanks to this element, this medicinal plant protects the functioning of the liver. It also reduces inflammation and improves blood flow. In addition, it can lower cholesterol.

Artichoke tea

5. Artichoke Leaves and Milk Thistle

If you want an easy and quick choice for the treatment of fatty liver, you can buy a specific supplement. Artichoke capsules or pills are available for sale and generally facilitate the digestion of large amounts of fatty foods. You can also find some more potent supplements that combine artichoke with other medicinal plants.

Milk thistle is yet another great remedy for liver disease. The plant owes this to its restorative properties. You can also benefit from the positive effects of turmeric, boldo or dandelion. Vitamin B7 (choline) also helps to prevent fat from building up or depositing in the liver.

If you plan to take a supplement, you should do so under the guidance of a doctor or a naturopath.  It is important to realize that some natural remedies can interfere with certain medications. There are also medicines that you cannot take without interruption for a long period of time.

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