Grow Hair, Skin And Nails From Within

A healthy and balanced diet is essential for the health of your hair, skin and nails. Your appearance is the first indication of internal problems.
Grow hair, skin and nails from the inside out

Day in and day out, people are spending more and more money on beauty products to promote the health and radiance of their hair, skin and nails. This is something that both men and women are concerned with.

However, one thing must be clear: no beauty treatment will be effective if you don’t start taking care of your inner health first.

To make sure your hair looks smooth and shiny, your nails don’t break and your skin is soft and elastic, you need to eat a healthy and balanced diet and avoid vitamin deficiency.

We explain how.

Tips to grow your hair, skin and nails from the inside out

Your skin reflects your health

Healthy Skin

Our hair, skin and nails are external features that can help make you look younger and attractive every day. If you have a problem with your health, the first thing you will notice is your skin:

  • Dark circles from fatigue.
  • Paleness due to anemia.
  • Facial swelling due to fluid retention.
  • Dry skin due to lack of hydration.
  • Premature aging due to a deficiency of zinc, vitamins C and D and amino acids…

Do you want to counter these problems? Then pay close attention to what you have to do.

Natural ways to improve your skin

  • Start your morning with a glass of warm water and lemon juice. This promotes the natural detoxification process in your body and provides you with a good dose of vitamin C.
  • Tomato and Carrot Salad: This fortifying blend of antioxidants, vitamins A and C, and lycopene can protect your skin from UV rays. Eat this salad at least four times a week.
  • Two liters of water a day: Always drink water in small amounts throughout the day. This makes it easier to process.
  • White tea in the afternoon: Did you know that of all natural drinks, white tea has the most antioxidants? Therefore, buy this tea at the health food store or drugstore.

Prevent hair loss with natural means

Hair Brushing

Your hair is very similar to your skin and is characterized by a high degree of keratinization. It adheres to a natural process from growth to loss.

Never forget that your hair also gets old. And regardless of the fact that it consists of ‘dead’ cells, you can take care of the hair follicles and scalp, so that your hair becomes more vibrant and radiant.

In most cases, hair loss is caused by hormonal changes. For example, when you are pregnant and your body produces a lot of estrogen, your hair will look more beautiful. However, after childbirth, your hormones can become temporarily out of balance and you can suffer from hair loss as a result.

A poor diet and stress can also affect your health and beauty. Pay attention to what you need to do to take better care of your hair.

Natural ways to take good care of your hair

  • Eat plenty of green leafy vegetables.
  • Drink a spinach and beetroot smoothie three times a week .
  • Eat white fish, such as cod or sea bream, four times a week. These fish species are rich in magnesium. This is an essential mineral for having strong hair.
  • Eat Greek yogurt: It would be best to eat some Greek yogurt with almonds for breakfast. This combination is rich in calcium, vitamin B and magnesium and therefore great for regenerating your hair.
  • Eat more white meat and liver:  These products are rich in zinc and so will improve your health.
  • Olive oil, basil and sage are essential supplements that should definitely be part of your daily diet.

strong nails

Strong Nails

In our pursuit of improving the health and beauty of our hair, skin and nails, our nails are sometimes neglected.  So this is a big mistake. Often people do not pay much attention to their brittle nails.

However, it is always wise to nourish your body from the inside, so that your health is visible on the outside.

Pay attention to what you need to do to take good care of your nails.

How to regenerate your nails

  • Eliminate sugar from your diet and increase your consumption of acidic fruits like lemons, oranges and grapefruit.
  • Eat vegetables cooked at a lower temperature, which helps them retain more nutrients.
  • Increase your protein consumption. You can get more protein by eating white meat, fish and green leafy vegetables, for example.
  • It is important to enhance the effect of keratin in your body. Keratin is a basic protein that keeps our hair, skin and nails healthy. It provides them with strength and resistance.
  • Cynatine HNS is a natural protein that can be very helpful. You can obtain this protein in the form of a supplement at the pharmacy or health food stores. You can also get it in smaller amounts by eating foods such as: red meat, eggs, asparagus, milk and apples. 

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