Healthy For Your Heart: Oats And Apples

Oats and apples are not only very healthy, they are also very versatile. There are countless combinations you can try to take advantage of all their good qualities, and most importantly, to make sure it doesn’t get boring, the same porridge every time!
Healthy for your heart: oats and apples

You may be forgetting two ingredients on your grocery list that are healthy for your heart: oats and green apples. If you’re new to them, you’ll be amazed at all the benefits of incorporating these two foods into your regular diet.

Heart health is necessary for a healthy, high-quality life because the heart provides blood and oxygen to all of our body systems. In addition, the heart is the engine that makes our entire body work, and our diet is one of the habits that helps, or destroys, the heart—and us.

The foods we always eat have a direct impact on our hearts, especially as we mature. For a healthy heart and to strengthen your heart, it is important to include ‘good fat ‘ in our daily meals. These fats help to reduce and remove ‘bad cholesterol’ (LDL) and excess triglycerides.

It is also recommended to avoid ultra-processed foods, especially foods that are fried and/or high in sugar or salt.

Ingredients such as oily fish, nuts, cereals and fruits are a perfect addition to a diet when changing daily eating habits.

For a stronger heart

Heart health

If you start a diet change today, add oats and apples little by little. In addition to being healthy for your heart, these ingredients nourish your body and provide nutrients for all your organs. We’ll look at some of the benefits of these two healthy foods.

Have and beta glucans

For example, oats are rich in beta-glucans, a group of beta-D-glucose polysaccharides, which occurs naturally in the cell walls of grains, bacteria and fungi. In addition, they have different physicochemical properties depending on the source.

This makes oats excellent for lowering bad cholesterol. In addition, they are also rich in omega 3 fatty acids, ‘good fat’ and fiber. These fibers absorb and help remove the toxins from our body.

One green apple a day…

Essentially, in addition to being a delicious fruit, apples are natural allies for weight loss. And if that weren’t enough, they not only help maintain strong, healthy teeth, but also provide fiber and energy to the body.

Green apples are especially good for their high potassium content. In addition, its consumption helps to maintain a regular heartbeat.

Oats + apples = strong heart

The benefits of green apples and oats are now clear. Now imagine what will happen to your heart if you add both to your daily diet. What a boost to your health!

Especially since both ingredients add very little sodium to the body, and are particularly good for balancing the level of bad cholesterol. Plus, they also help you feel full.

Prepare oatmeal and green apples

Oats and green apples are very good for your health. In addition to their health benefits, it is also a delicious combination. Let’s take a look at some options.


  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 green apple
  • 3 tablespoons oat flakes
  • Optional: ice, lemon, cinnamon powder…


Apple and oatmeal porridge
  • First soak the oats overnight in a cup of water.
  • Cut the green apple into small pieces.
  • Put the oatmeal and the sliced ​​apple in the blender and mix to a homogeneous shake.
  • If you want to add more flavor, you can add honey, some cinnamon or a squeeze of lemon juice.
  • If you prefer frappe, add some ice cubes before turning on the blender.
  • For a smoothie, you can freeze the sliced ​​apple overnight.

There are many more options for including oats and apples in your daily diet. You can also prepare them as porridge or add them to your regular pancake mix.

Creativity is key when using the same ingredients every day. There are many ways to enjoy oatmeal and green apples every day without getting bored. In short, let your imagination run wild.


Excess cholesterol and triglycerides, along with excess weight and poor diet, directly affect circulation. In addition, they make the body more susceptible to fat buildup in the arteries and thus increase the risk of heart attack and other health problems.

By including foods like oats and green apples in your daily diet, you will have better health. However, keep in mind that you should also have daily physical activity and avoid stress.

In short, give your body a good start to work optimally by including oats and apples in your daily diet.

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