Home Remedies For When You Have A Fever

If you have a fever, it is important that you regulate the temperature so that it does not get too high. Here are some natural remedies.
Home remedies for when you have a fever

Fever is something that many people find alarming. Especially if it occurs in young children who also experience other health problems. Fever is more common in young children than in adults. Children’s immune systems have yet to develop, and they don’t respond to infections as quickly as adults do.

The definition of a fever is a body temperature of more than 38 degrees Celsius. It occurs when the body does not have enough antibodies to fight off the attack of a virus, bacteria, or other type of microorganism.

By raising the body temperature, you can kill the harmful invasion. It then leaves the body through sweat. 

Because of this, fever should only be seen as a symptom of a health problem that needs medical attention. Especially if it is accompanied by other symptoms such as diarrhoea, convulsions or difficulty breathing.

Many people use different types of medications to lower their temperature when they have a fever. However, if you consume too much of this, it can cause serious health side effects. Some of these side effects occur right away.

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What to do if you have a fever

The first thing to do if you think you have a fever is to measure it for a period of time. If your temperature stays below 40 degrees Celsius, you should drink a lot and rest. 

At some point you will start to sweat and your body will excrete the remaining toxins. If this happens, you should change into clean clothes and wash your bedding so you don’t remain exposed to harmful bacteria.

If your temperature is above 40 degrees Celsius, it is important that you find a way to lower it. In case of an emergency, you should contact your doctor. For babies under three months, this also applies if the temperature is 38 degrees Celsius or higher for more than a day.

Treatments to lower the fever


There are a number of natural ways you can reduce the fever. They are easy to use and safe, so your body can get back to the right temperature.

Yarrow ( Achillea millefolium )

Yarrow has been used for centuries to lower fevers. It lowers the body temperature. It also contains properties that aid digestion by fighting parasites and other bacteria. When it comes to fever, it is best to make a mixture of yarrow, mint and elderberries.



Onions can be used to lower a fever. Cut the onions into slices and place the slices on the ground. Then stand on it barefoot for half an hour. With children, you can also put pieces of onion in their socks and put them on.

You might also be interested in reading: Onions: a thousand-year-old remedy


Another good way to regulate body temperature is to use sage. To do this, boil a cup (200 ml) of water. Add a tablespoon of fresh sage, a teaspoon of honey and three tablespoons of lemon juice.


Potatoes contain natural anti-inflammatory agents and enzymes that help lower fever. To use potatoes for this, mash or grate them and mix them with cold water before  applying them to the forehead for 10 to 15 minutes.

Drink a lot of liquid

To drink water

Regardless of which method you use to lower the fever, it is important that you continue to drink plenty of fluids so that your body does not become dehydrated. Whenever possible, it is best to drink water and natural juices, teas and broths. 

Lemon zest and barley

This last treatment is useful for replenishing your fluid levels after sweating a lot from the fever. To make it, add the zest of a lemon and two tablespoons of barley to a quart of boiling water. Let it cool and steep for 12 hours. Then drink it during the day when your fever has subsided.

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