How Do You Prevent Red Eyes? Causes And Remedies

Everyone gets red, swollen eyes from time to time. But what are the causes and what can you do yourself to heal and calm your eyes?
How do you prevent red eyes?  Causes and Remedies

The main causes of this common condition are  allergies, inflammation, prolonged television or computer work, a dry environment, irritants and even rubbing your eyes. What can you do to fix red eyes? Below are some tips for healthy lifestyles and prevention against this painful ailment.

Eye drops help, but don’t take the initiative to buy them yourself and ask your doctor for advice first. With your doctor’s approval, you can also try some natural remedies.

They can also help treat red eyes. Read below about the different forms of redness in and around the eye. Then we will tell you how to get rid of your red eyes and what you can do to get healthy, fresh and radiant eyes.

The cause of red eyes

Before using eye drops or before you can start treatment for red eyes, it is important to determine the correct cause of red eyes. Wrong treatment will only increase redness or inflammation.

eye inflammation

  • Everyone has certainly experienced the symptoms of an eye infection. We recognize this form of inflammation by symptoms such as pain, irritation and the whites of the eyes that turn red. The inflammation can then progress to bacterial conjunctivitis, which can quickly pass from one eye to the other.

How is this infection caused?

  • Eye inflammation is caused by external factors. So think of small objects in the eye, substances to which we quickly  react allergic, such as pollen or dust and irritating products such as make-up, soap and shampoos. Frequent rubbing in the eyes also easily brings these substances into the eye. Therefore, it is certainly a major cause of red eyes.
  • In addition, prolonged or incorrect wearing of contact lenses can also cause red eyes. Therefore, you should always follow the correct instructions when inserting contact lenses to maintain a healthy and fresh look.

Dry eyes

Dry eyes
  • Those who quickly suffer from dry eyes are often unable to moisten their eyes sufficiently. Dry eyes cause the eyes to hurt, become red, more sensitive and therefore more likely to inflame. Some diseases prevent the eye from moistening. Therefore, consult your doctor, who can make the correct diagnosis.

Too long for the screen

  • Eyes get tired from the light from the screen and the mobile phone. Prolonged use of screens makes the eye fatigued and irritated and can also affect vision. It is absolutely necessary to take frequent small breaks to allow the eyes sufficient rest.

Sleep deprivation

  • Are you surprised that a lack of sleep can also cause swollen or more visible veins in the eyes and a tired look?  Sleep deprivation affects the body’s immune system, making you more susceptible to viral infections. The body absorbs less oxygen, you don’t feel so well and you wake up in the morning with a red, tired look.

Provide a healthy, fresh look

witch hazel

Cold and warm compresses

  • With too little sleep and lack of sleep, applying cold and warm compresses is a simple remedy to prevent swelling and redness. Dip a small towel or cotton cloth in fresh water and let it rest briefly on one eye, then the other. Alternating with a damp cloth or towel with warm water (not hot) promotes circulation in the eyes and ensures a beautiful, fresh look.

Witch Hazel Infusion

  • Witch hazel is known as the natural remedy of choice for treating red eyes. Prepare an infusion with the leaves, moisten a cotton swab and hold it against the irritated eye for a few seconds. In this way, moisten the eye sufficiently with the infusion.

carrot slices

  • It is also generally known that carrots have a positive effect on the health of our eyes.  So do not hesitate to apply this simple and natural remedy for red eyes. Boil one carrot in water, cut it into thin slices and apply one slice to each eye for 10 minutes. Repeat three times a day. Use fresh slices every time to reduce puffy eyes and inflammation.

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