How To Deal With Heavy Periods

The great advantage of natural treatments lies in the fact that they are not harmful to the body. When they cause discomfort, the side effects are minimal.
How to deal with heavy periods

Menstrual disorders are common. In this article, we’ll discuss four natural treatments that will help you cope with heavy periods. In addition to a heavy menstrual period, many women suffer from:

  • pain
  • an irregular menstrual period
  • the absence of menstruation

How do I know if my period is too heavy?

Heavy menstruation, also known as menorrhagia, occurs when you lose more than 80 ml of blood. It is difficult to estimate exactly how much this is.

One way to measure the amount of blood loss is by using a menstrual cup. A natural and also cheap method. The menstrual cup is a good alternative to products such as sanitary towels and tampons. A cup also contains no synthetic fibers.

This cup is made of plastic. With the help of a cup we can see how much blood we are losing. You simply look at how many cups you fill. This way you can check whether the menstrual period is normal or too heavy.

A heavy period can be either long or intense if both:

  • Menstruation lasts longer than 8 to 10 days.
  • It requires more than 8 pieces of sanitary napkin per day.
  • Even when you experience problems in your daily work due to a large amount of blood loss, you can speak of heavy menstruation.

Should I be concerned about heavy periods?

Dealing with heavy periods

The menstrual period is different for every woman. It is important to know your body well. There are long, short, heavy and light menstrual cycles.

Of course, cycles can differ from each other and one will be light and the other heavy. It is always wise to keep an eye on your period. Make sure you identify irregularities quickly. 

Contact a gynecologist in the following cases:

  • when your period is regular.
  • if your periods are heavier than normal and accompanied by pain or inflammation.

Heavy periods do not always have to lead to serious complications. However, it can cause anemia due to loss of iron. You can also feel tired and heavy periods lead to discomfort.

Has a medical specialist ruled out any problems? Then feel free to try the natural treatments below. By learning how to deal with heavy periods, you improve the quality of your life.

Natural Treatments For Dealing With Heavy Periods

Medicinal plants

Use of medicinal plants for menstrual complaints

With the help of medicinal plants we can make infusions. You drink these infusions daily. You can also start the week before your period.

You can combine and alternate them to see what effect they have on your body. Let’s look at the properties per plant, so that you can make a good choice:

  • Achillia or yarrow helps with irritability, a restless feeling and reduces bleeding.
  • Sage is one of the most suitable medicinal plants for female disorders.
  • calendula. This flower has many healthy properties. The flower is known for its stabilizing effect against hormonal fluctuations.
  • Chinese angelica, also called dong quai, reduces pain and also balances menstrual cramps and pain.
  • Nettle. Nettle is good for hair and skin. It removes toxins and also fights anemia. In addition, nettle reduces heavy bleeding during menstruation.
  • Gentian  is very suitable for heavy menstruation and is a very purifying plant.
  • Horsetail reduces menstrual bleeding and also prevents fluid loss.

Vegetable oils

Vegetable oils and heavy menstruation

Cold-pressed vegetable oil is rich in essential fatty acids. These fatty acids have a beneficial effect on women ‘s health. To balance your menstrual cycle, we recommend the following:

  • Evening Primrose Oil. This oil regulates the hormone balance and is also rich in essential omega-6 fatty acids. The oil is beneficial for your skin and also has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Borage oil. This oil has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect. Like evening primrose oil, this oil regulates the hormone balance.

Trace elements

Trace elements are minerals that are present in our body in very small quantities. Nevertheless, they fulfill an important function in our health.

With the intake of trace elements you enjoy the positive effects without the negative side effects. The trace element manganese is particularly beneficial for regular and heavy menstruation. You can use it seasonally, but also take a break every now and then. Trace minerals can help you deal with heavy periods.

Bach flowers

Bach flowers

A final treatment that helps you deal with black menstruation is Bach flower therapy. This blossom helps with physical and emotional disorders. It balances our energy levels without compromising health.

For example, walnut blossom can offer a solution for irregular menstruation. This blossom supports changes in the menstrual cycle, among other things. In addition, the blossom offers support for emotional changes and changes in lifestyle.

  • Drip 4 drops under your tongue four times a day for at least three weeks.

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