How To Remove Excess Salt From The Body

Did you know that, in addition to drinking plenty of water, parsley can help detoxify your kidneys? The kidneys are responsible for filtering the excess salt from your bloodstream.
How do you remove excess salt from the body

Salt is one of the most common spices in cuisines around the world. It is characterized by the special taste that lends itself to any meal. However, research shows that this spice can have some serious negative effects on human health. Most disturbingly, people tend to eat excess salt.

While it’s true that your body needs a little salt or sodium to function properly, that doesn’t mean you should consume it in excess. In fact, experts agree that it is better to cut out salt from your diet. You can also get your daily recommended amount of sodium by eating other types of food.

Excess salt can lead to a number of serious problems over time, such as heart disease, stroke and much more. It is also often the cause of fluid retention and swelling. Fortunately, you can easily stop eating too much salt. Thus, you can rid your body of all the salt it has already accumulated.

How can you remove excess salt from your body?

Excess salt is harmful
  • Drink more water:  Experts recommend drinking 6-8 glasses of water per day. This may seem strange, but drinking water stimulates the removal of excess fluid that is retained in the body. This also removes sodium through the urine.
    • This simple habit helps detoxify the body, keep you hydrated and reduce swelling.
  • Eliminate salt from your diet:  While salt is an essential ingredient in any recipe for many people, it’s better to look for alternatives that add the same flavor to your food. You can still consume salt in small portions, especially if you add it to homemade meals.
    • However, keep in mind that there is a high amount of salt in processed meats, preserves, soups, frozen foods and much more. So instead of these things, you should eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Once digested, they help eliminate excess salt.
  • Replace salt  with other spices: Eliminating salt from your diet is easier if you replace it with healthier options, such as garlic, fresh black pepper, curry powder, parsley, oregano and rosemary.
  • Get more exercise:  You should exercise enough every day to kick-start the production of sweat. By sweating, the  body gets rid of impurities and excess salt. Remember to always carry a bottle of water with you when you sweat.

Parsley can help remove excess salt from your body

Parsley drink to remove excess salt

Parsley is an herb known for its ability to cleanse the kidneys and remove toxins through the urine. You probably also know that the kidneys play a very important role in detoxifying the body.

These organs are responsible for filtering excess salt from the blood. However, they also remove any other toxic substances that have entered our system.

How can parsley help?

To enjoy the benefits of parsley, all you need to do is make it into a tea. Use a handful of chopped parsley leaves and add them to a quart of boiling water. Let it boil for 10 minutes. Once it is ready, you can drink this tea on an empty stomach. Store leftover liquid in a jar and refrigerate. This way you can drink the tea more often a day.

And do not forget…

  • To get the most benefits from this tea, it  is important to combine it with the other tips above. Remember that you should drink this tea often.
  • Parsley tea not only promotes detoxification and the elimination of excess salt. It is also a great way to fight fluid retention, prevent high blood pressure and lose weight. Of course, all these things are only possible if you also maintain a healthy lifestyle. 

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