Ikigai: The Reason For Existence, The Japanese Secret Of A Better Life

Ikigai is our reason for being. The sooner we learn to recognize it, the sooner we will be able to fulfill our function in life and move forward without wasting time.
Ikigai: the reason for existence, the Japanese secret of a better life

Ikigai is what is known as ‘the reason for being’. Japanese culture believes that each of us owns an ikigai.

This is an unfamiliar word for many people. It is a reference to that which gives meaning to our lives. What is your purpose in life? Why are you here?

The reason for existence lives in each of us. In fact, we were born with it. But there is a problem nonetheless.

Although we all own ikigai, not all of us find it. That’s the problem with ikigai. Some people only need months, others years, while others know the reason for existence from childhood.

Search for ikigai and be happy

Unhappy young woman

In Japanese culture, it is impossible not to be happy when you have found ikigai. You have discovered what makes your life meaningful. As a result, you wake up every day with energy and in a good mood.

This is a problem that many people in western culture have. Very few people know their reason for being. That’s why they act like they’re on autopilot.

They do not enjoy life, but live by indolence.

Do you know how to find your ikigai? And do you know if you found it? Do you know what to do to avoid losing it?

Pay attention to these tips.

Follow your ikigai, the reason for existence

Even though you may have found your ikigai by now, it’s important to know one thing: you possess a passion or talent that you haven’t noticed yet.

For example, maybe you haven’t noticed a special talent you possess. Maybe you have a talent for motivating your friends. Then maybe your ikigai will turn you into a coach or motivational speaker.

Look inside yourself for what your purpose is. Later, follow your ikigai in every step you take.

Live in the moment

Woman with outstretched arms in the woods

As we mentioned before, there are many people who live on autopilot. This is not something that happens to those who know why they are here.

The reason for living in the moment is to put aside thoughts of the past and worries about the future. These occupy valuable space in your mind.

Try practicing mindfulness or some kind of meditation. You may discover what gives meaning to your life when you least expect it.

Don’t settle, move forward

Sometimes we like to take a vacation to do nothing. We may just want to have enough money so that one day we can stop working and simply live.

But spending money and not doing anything that enriches yourself can make you unhappy as the years go by. Don’t settle for your life.

Don’t settle for a mediocre job that doesn’t satisfy you. You also shouldn’t settle for relationships that don’t satisfy you. Make an effort, improve yourself and move forward.

You have something to offer this world, so don’t waste your time.

Do what you love

Japanese lady in nature

What do you like to do? Do you like skiing, playing an instrument, reading or travelling? Do what you love and don’t make excuses. If you don’t, you’ll lose your ikigai and you’ll have to go back to find it.

Sometimes, the “I don’t have time,” or “I’ll do it later,” or “I don’t have money” excuses help put off what we want to do here and now.

Perhaps we believe that one day we will succeed in doing it. In reality, however, that is not the case. Do you remember living in the present?

Take care of your environment

Your environment is very important. Surrounding yourself with nature, having healthy friendships and being positive will help your ikigai.

Often we complain and keep people around us who are toxic. Why? This does us no good.

Take care of your surroundings and make sure you feel comfortable. You will find that everything is much simpler than it seems and that your ikigai is already at your doorstep.

Have you found your reason to get up every morning? It won’t come out of nowhere if you don’t look for it and if you don’t take the initiative.

Whining and frustrating yourself isn’t going to help you. Start being more positive, take baby steps, know yourself better and when you least expect it, you will discover the reason for being, the reason you are here in this world.

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