Juices And Teas To Cleanse The Veins

A sedentary lifestyle and poor eating habits can clog your arteries. To improve this problem, it is important that you do at least moderate exercise and develop better eating habits.
Juices and teas to cleanse the veins

From a certain age, your arteries get clogged by a variety of bad habits, such as eating unhealthy fats, being overweight, and more.

In this article we therefore want to explain why this happens and what consequences clogged arteries can have. In addition, we share a few juices and teas that can help you naturally treat clogged arteries.

Why do veins get clogged?

As the years go by, your arteries fill up with fat. This fat builds up more and more, forming a layer of plaque against the walls of your arteries. This causes your veins to lose elasticity.

There are several factors that influence the development of this serious health problem:

  • To smoke
  • High cholesterol and triglyceride levels
  • High bloodpressure
  • A sedentary lifestyle
  • Overweight or Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • High stress levels
  • Eating foods that contain a lot of saturated fat
  • Heredity

Serious health risks

Having clogged arteries is a health problem that develops gradually, yet can have serious consequences. When the arteries are clogged, it prevents enough blood and oxygen from flowing to the heart,  eventually resulting in angina or heart attack.

Therefore, it is important to avoid the risk factors and get used to regularly drinking the medicinal juices and teas listed below that will help you cleanse your arteries naturally.

white hawthorn

white hawthorn

This herb has been used for centuries to protect the heart and veins. Thanks to its high content of flavonoids, minerals, dopamine and more, white hawthorn can help dilate your arteries and improve your overall circulation.

Therefore, the herb is often recommended to treat conditions such as:

  • Tachycardia
  • arrhythmia
  • Migraine
  • High bloodpressure

In addition, white hawthorn has a mild anesthetic effect, so it can help calm your nervous system and combat insomnia.

Drink this herb in the form of a tea.


cup of chamomile tea


Chamomile tea is one of the most popular teas in the world, known for its ability to calm the nervous system and improve digestion.

However, we must point out that chamomile tea is also capable of dilating the arteries and inhibiting inflammation.  This improves circulation and blood flow.

That’s why chamomile tea can help with high blood pressure


Celery is rich in vitamins A, C and E, as well as minerals such as zinc and selenium, nutrients that can help improve blood health. It also contains phthalides, a compound that relaxes the muscles around your arteries, supporting vasodilation and improving blood flow.

It is one of the best foods to detoxify your body. It promotes the removal of toxins and excess fluid from the body and even has laxative properties.

This juice has a delicious taste and also goes well with fruits such as apple, pear and pineapple. We recommend using the softest green stems, preferably organic of course.


whole pear and sliced ​​pear

The sweet and refreshing taste of this fruit hides the fact that pear is also great for your veins. Pear seems to help:

  • The pressure to regulate.
  • The high potassium content in pears seems to help dilate the veins and blood vessels.
  • The fruit prevents the formation of blood clots and improves the overall cardiovascular system.

Since the pear is wonderfully sweet and also contains a lot of water, the fruit is an excellent option to add to your juices. This way you don’t have to add any extra sweetener at all. It’s even better if you buy organic pears. The skin of the pear is very rich in beneficial nutrients.


Pineapple has a similar effect to pear, because this fruit is also rich in potassium and can help control blood pressure. In addition, pineapple is a tropical fruit that can be very helpful in the fight against obesity by promoting gradual weight loss.

You can eat pineapple as a loose fruit. However, drinking pineapple juice allows you to slowly absorb the benefits throughout the day.

Store-bought pineapple juice is usually sweeter than the juice you make at home. Therefore, choose a pineapple that is as ripe as possible. You can even use the pineapple peel to make other drinks that can help combat a variety of other health problems. 

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