Lemon And Parsley Remedy Against Moisture Build-up

The diuretic power of this natural aid prevents the retention of fluid in the body and purifies it of all stuck residues and toxins.

Fluid retention is a common metabolic disorder for women. Actually, it is not a real disease, but it does give us a clear sign that something is not working properly in our body. If your ankles, legs or abdomen are swollen, it is best to see a doctor.

Common causes of these problems are poor diet or fluctuations in hormones. Experts are trying to warn us of something important, which is that fluid buildup can indicate problems with the kidneys, liver or circulation.

This does not mean that we are dealing with a serious problem, but it does mean that our bodies are failing to get the toxins or other fluids out of our body.

Therefore, it is also a problem that needs to be diagnosed by a skilled person so that we can do something about it. The problem is often easy to tackle. By adjusting our lifestyle, we can improve our health.

In today’s article we explain a remedy that can prevent fluid build-up. If you use this remedy consisting of parsley and lime, you will notice how you will gradually feel better.

Fluid retention: a common problem

painful leg

There are people who are more sensitive to the build-up of moisture. They often have the following physiological habits or peculiarities:

  • Problems with circulation.
  • Usually they have almost reached the menopause, this is often accompanied by several episodes of fluid retention.
  • Overweight or struggling with obesity.
  • Have a heart disease.
  • Undergo all kinds of hormonal changes through the use of medication.
  • Have hypothyroidism.
  • Spend much of the time standing.

You may now find yourself in one of the above aspects. If this is the case, you don’t have to worry right away, because you can do a lot against fluid buildup in the body.

The first thing you could already do is something we already mentioned above: go to the doctor. Secondly, you should follow a treatment prescribed by a specialist. And last but not least,  you need to adjust your diet.

Standing for a long time prevents the body from properly draining substances, which can lead to fluid build-up.

In patients with heart and kidney problems or vascular disease, it is strongly recommended to limit salt consumption. In addition, it is also important to take into account another fact:

  • Fluid retention is not an uncommon phenomenon with aging. Our veins lose elasticity. In addition, both our kidneys and liver no longer succeed in purging fluids and toxins from our body. 
  • If we also had a lifestyle where we often had to stand up straight, for example a standing profession, the problem will quickly get worse.
  • Finally, we must not forget that some habits or behaviors only make the drainage of the body more difficult.

Remedy with parsley and lime to treat fluid retention

sliced ​​and whole lemon

This simple morning ritual can help you get through the day easier and healthier. It is easy to prepare and guarantees a better balance in the kidneys.

Benefits of parsley and lemon

Parsley is a plant with high purifying properties. Thanks to the many antioxidants and vitamin C, it ensures that the liver and heart remain healthy. We should also not forget that the vegetable helps to maintain the elasticity of our arteries and joints.

  • It also benefits blood circulation and the essential oils optimize the elimination of accumulated moisture in the body.
  • Lemon is a fruit that has many positive influences on our health.
  • A good organic and pesticide-free lemon is a treasure trove of benefits.
  • Lemon is one of the fruits that contains the most vitamin C, citrates, malates and potassium.
  • These components, especially the vitamin C in lemons, maintain our body and make various tissues and cells for our body.

If you suffer from edema or bloating, don’t hesitate to try this remedy. Preferably take between 2 and 3 glasses of this lemon-parsley water every day. It purifies your body and is extremely diuretic.


  • 1 branch fresh parsley
  • 1 liter of water
  • The juice of 1 lemon

Preparation method

  • First wash the parsley carefully. After that, make an infusion of the medicinal plant.
  • To make the infusion, boil a cup of water (250 ml) in a teapot and then add the parsley sprigs.
  • Once the infusion is ready, let it rest for a while.
  • Then squeeze the lemon. You can certainly also use the peel by cutting it into small pieces.
  • In a larger pitcher, add the remaining 3 cups of water, along with the lemon zest, lemon juice and parsley infusion.
  • Then let it steep for half an hour before pouring it into a glass.

Drink the first glass on an empty stomach. You drink the other two glasses half an hour before each meal.

You can follow this treatment for 7 consecutive days, once a month or every 10 days. You will immediately notice the difference.

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