Make Your Own Exfoliating Products For Your Skin At Home!

You can use exfoliating products for your skin that you have made yourself at home. This way you avoid the use of chemicals. Add to each remedy a solid ingredient that forms the base. That way you will remove impurities in your skin.
Make your own exfoliating products for your skin at home!

We regularly hear surprising and disturbing information in the news. The reports let us know that some brand of exfoliating products for your skin contain toxic ingredients. In most cases, the stores are not even aware of this problem. They sell products for the skin with ingredients that are harmful.

Although these companies had other intentions, the damage has already been done.

That is why people usually wonder what guarantee they have. How can you know that these products do not contain harmful ingredients.

However, there is a way to stop worrying: make these exfoliating products for your skin  yourself. It’s really worth trying this out. Because that way you know exactly which ingredients you use. So you can use them without any worries.

To make this switch easier, we’ll talk about exfoliants first. We teach you how to use exfoliating products for your skin.

To ensure that the skin looks young and healthy, it is very important that you clean it well. Because you have to take into account that impurities prevent proper hydration.

So you can see that it is really a good idea to add this product to your daily beauty care.

Homemade exfoliating products for your skin

At the same time, it will prevent the appearance of fine lines and other signs of aging on the skin.

You will also notice that the products you use after this cleaning work better. Anti-wrinkle cream, for example, penetrates your skin better.

How do you use homemade exfoliating products for your skin?

Exfoliant with cucumber and brown sugar

Most exfoliating products for your skin  are made with solid ingredients as you know. These make it possible to penetrate into the pores. This is exactly what brown sugar will do.

To be able to apply it you obviously need a base. Here too we use the most natural way. We explain how to make a cleansing cream with cucumber.

What ingredients do you need?

  • 1 ripe cucumber
  • 1/2 cup skim milk
  • 1/2 cup rose water
  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar

How do you make the cream?

  • Cut the cucumber into small pieces.
  • Then mix it with the milk and rose water.
  • Then put it in the fridge for two hours.

All you need to do now is add the brown sugar. Then the cream is ready and you can apply it. Do this in circular motions.

Exfoliant with olive oil and brown sugar

Exfoliating products for your skin with brown sugar

You may be especially interested in homemade products that have an exfoliating effect. Then we recommend an ingredient to provide the skin with fats. But olive oil is not just any beneficial product.

This amazing oil provides interesting positive effects. It has an impressive ability to moisturize your skin.

In addition, it acts as a good repairer of the tissues. It helps to treat acne, mosquito bites or other wounds.

What ingredients do you need?

  • 1/4 cup brown sugar
  • 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

How do you make this remedy?

  • Mix the two ingredients in a bowl until you have a smooth mixture.
  • Then you can apply it to the skin. Use circular movements for this.
  • We recommend that you do this while taking a bath. That makes it a little more pleasant and practical.

Yogurt with oats

Exfoliating products for your skin with yogurt

In several articles we have already explained how many benefits yogurt has for the skin. One of its main positive effects is that it acts as an exfoliant. That’s because yogurt is able to revitalize the dead skin cells.

It also ensures that the acidity maintains or regains a healthy level. That’s why oats are the perfect ingredient to combine with yogurt. Because both ingredients have the same properties.

The result of this remedy is spectacular. Your skin will look healthier, radiant and above all younger. Have you gotten to the point where you’re worried about signs of aging? Then this is the ideal treatment for you.

What ingredients do you need?

  • 1 tablespoon oat flakes
  • 1/2 cup natural yogurt
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice

How do you prepare it?

  • Slightly crush the oats.
  • Then put them in a fairly large bowl. Mix with the yogurt and lemon juice until you have a fairly smooth paste.

How do you use this paste?

  • Apply it on your face. Then let it work for fifteen minutes. Then rinse it off with cold water.
  • Our advice: enhance the effect by applying a good moisturizing cream afterwards.

These are the best natural alternatives that you can use instead of pharmaceuticals. You’ve also noticed that you don’t need much time to make them.

Plus, the ingredients are easy to find. Try it out for a while. Let us know about your experience. You really have nothing to lose, right?

Unless you are allergic to any of the ingredients, you will not experience any harmful effects. Share your experience with these remedies with us. That way everyone can benefit from it.

Ready to give these exfoliating products a try for your skin? To do! 

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