More Calcium In A Healthy Way With These Seeds

Did you know that there are foods that contain more calcium than milk? Sesame seeds are rich in calcium and iron, as well as vitamins and polyunsaturated fats.
More calcium in a healthy way with these seeds

We are used to thinking that dairy products are the only source of calcium, but what really happens to the calcium from milk? As nutritionists say, dairy products lack magnesium, which prevents calcium from bonding properly to bones.

We should also remember that many people suffer from lactose intolerance, because this animal enzyme is not always properly processed by our body.

So, what can we do? Since many people, especially women, need more of these supplemental doses of calcium to take care of their bones, you should know that there is an interesting alternative for getting more calcium: seeds.

More calcium in a healthy way with these seeds

1. Mustard seed

Mustard seeds contain a lot of calcium

You can find mustard seeds in the health food store. You should know that the calcium percentage of these seeds is the highest of the whole list below. They are great for everyone and have no side effects.

  • Mustard seed is rich in vitamins, tannins, and antioxidants.
  • To make them edible, boil them for 10 minutes. They have a good taste and you can make rich infusions and even combine them with many dishes. In fact, they are already used when mixed with mustard.
  • They are also great for throat problems such as infections and even loss of voice.

2. Sesame seeds

Sesame seed

These are the second most calcium rich seeds, but remember that to take advantage of them you should always eat them raw.

  • Sesame seeds are rich in calcium and iron. Don’t be fooled by their small size, they are a natural source of vitamins and minerals and ideal for everyday use.
  • They are rich in protein, polyunsaturated fats and many nutrients.
  • You can use them as an excellent addition to salads or any other dish, but remember: always eat them  raw, you don’t have to cook them.

3. Chia seeds

Smoothie with chia seeds

We’ve talked about the benefits of chia seeds many times. They are great. Here is a list of the most amazing features:

  • Chia seeds are a natural treasure trove of vitamins and minerals  that should not be missing from your diet.
  • They also contain antioxidants and  phytonutrients.
  • Normally, chia seeds are considered a superfood, as they provide us with energy and plant nutrients.
  • They also contain proteins and fatty acids that are perfect for your daily activities. And you can eat them without any weight gain!
  • You can add chia seeds to your shakes or other drinks. That way you get an excellent, natural source of calcium every day.

4. Flaxseed

Yogurt with linseed

Do you have linseed in the cupboard? If not, don’t hesitate to go to a health food store or specialty supermarket to get it. These seeds are a great source of calcium  and thus strengthen your bones, take care of your health and will also prevent you from gaining weight.

  • They are very rich in fiber and vitamins.
  • They fight inflammation and fluid retention.
  • These seeds will take care of your skin and strengthen the health of your hair and nails.
  • You can combine flaxseeds with yogurt, smoothies or even salads. If you like to make cakes and pastries, don’t hesitate to include these seeds in the batter or dough. It tastes fantastic.

5. Lotus seeds

Lotus seeds

Have you ever heard of lotus seeds? They are great! Tasty, meaty and rich in calcium.

  • They have anti-aging properties.
  • They are a source of protein and magnesium.
  • They also contain potassium and phosphorus.
  • Eastern medicine considers them to be highly medicinal,  especially for those ailments involving bones and the heart.
  • They help fight bad cholesterol and also have high amounts of iron and zinc, among other trace elements.
  • To benefit from it, take 100 grams and cook them for 20 minutes. Eat them as if they were almonds. They are really healthy, despite their slightly bitter taste.

6. Sunflower Seeds

sunflower seeds

How many sunflower seeds can you consume per day? We recommend one or two tablespoons, that is, between 20 and 40 grams. Remember that because of the amount of calcium in sunflower seeds, it is best to eat them raw and dried.

You shouldn’t add salt because as you know, it’s counterproductive to your health, even though they’re so tasty they can become addictive.

Do you know the benefits of sunflower seeds ? Remember these:

  • They contain a large amount of fatty acids.
  • Sunflower seeds are rich in minerals such as potassium and calcium.
  • They improve blood circulation.
  • Because they are so rich in potassium and magnesium, they are very useful when you are tired and stressed.
  • Also, don’t ignore their high  phosphorus and magnesium levels, which are good for your brain health.
  • They are rich in folic acid.
  • Sunflower seeds can also boost your immune system as they increase your natural defenses.
  • Did you know that they are also great for getting your daily dose of vitamin B1? This way you can  prevent fatigue and relieve nerves.
  • And of course they are simply delicious! 

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