Natural And Simple Ways To Control Your Cholesterol

It may be hard to believe, but in addition to eating a balanced diet, it is very important to avoid stress in order to keep your cholesterol under control.
Natural and simple ways to control your cholesterol

Problems with cholesterol are becoming more common. If you don’t try to lower your cholesterol in time, it can lead to serious cardiovascular problems.

In this article we share 9 natural methods that are simple and effective  to lower your cholesterol without the use of drugs.
You will see results within a few weeks if you use these ideas.

The choice is yours to lower your cholesterol

Where does cholesterol come from?

When our bad cholesterol levels (also known as LDL) are too high, foods of animal origin are usually identified as the main cause.

The real blame, however, lies with the so-called trans fats. These unsaturated fatty acids can be found in fried foods, pastries, canned sauces, margarine, ready meals, ice cream, etc.

At the same time, keep in mind that stress is a risk factor when it comes to your cholesterol level. Even if you maintain a well-balanced diet, stress can hold back your body’s fight against bad cholesterol.

The third, less common cause of bad cholesterol levels is poor liver function. You can improve your liver function by eating bitter herbs such as wormwood, milk thistle and dandelion.

Means to lower your cholesterol

1. Canary Seed Milk

Bird seed milk helps against cholesterol

This drink, which is made from canary seed , is a very effective means of controlling cholesterol levels.

  • The seeds are rich in essential fatty acids and also help reduce triglyceride levels. In addition, they promote weight loss.

 2. Cure with garlic

Garlic helps with cholesterol

Garlic has been used for thousands of years as a medicinal food that can prevent and treat a range of complaints, such as high cholesterol and high triglyceride levels. It widens the blood vessels and thus prevents all kinds of cardiovascular diseases.

In addition, it is a natural antibiotic and has a cleansing effect. To take full advantage of these benefits  , you should eat the garlic raw or follow an ancient, great Tibetan garlic cure  .

 3. Raw carrots

raw carrots

Raw carrots lower your cholesterol levels thanks to their power to boost your liver functions.

  • To reap their benefits, make sure  you eat them daily. This can be grated or in a homemade juice before you start the meal.
  • You should eat at least 2 a day.

4. Use ginger


Ginger is an exotic, refreshing and fragrant spice that you should definitely use while eating. This spicy herb offers many health benefits. In addition, it is a good seasoning for your daily dishes.

  • Slowly add a little more ginger to your meals. That way you can fight against elevated cholesterol.
  • You can add small amounts of grated or powdered ginger to your meals.

5. A handful of nuts

A handful of nuts

Nuts are generally very healthy for you, as long as you don’t eat too much of them. They are the best aid in controlling your cholesterol.

  • A handful of nuts a day is enough to keep your cholesterol in balance.
  • They are also very good for your brain functions.

6. White clay

White clay helps against cholesterol

White clay that has been approved for human consumption is a good remedy for controlling cholesterol and stomach acid.
However, if you suffer from hypertension, you should only drink the water without the sediment, which will remain at the bottom of the glass.

7. Healthy Foods

Avocado helps against cholesterol

In addition to the medicinals we just mentioned like garlic and carrots, there are many other healthy products that also help lower your cholesterol.

You can combine them or alternate them to take full advantage of their good qualities:

  • Avocado
  • legumes
  • Celery
  • Oatmeal
  • Saffron
  • Onion
  • Flax seed
  • Quinoa
  • hazelnuts
  • Green beans
  • apples

 8. Say no to stress

Stress is bad for your cholesterol

As mentioned before, stress raises your cholesterol.  Therefore, diet alone is not enough to lower your cholesterol. You have to change everything that overwhelms you.

Stress is not limited to the workplace. It also includes emotional stress, such as relationship problems, as well as physical stress from having too many tasks.
Stress can also be caused by poor planning of your daily activities.

 9. Watch your portion sizes

Watch your portion sizes

Are you someone who tends to eat more than is good for you? Then you can start eating small portions. It’s not meant to starve yourself. It’s about developing good habits and stopping eating before you’re full.

You should stop eating when you are about 80% full. At that point we are usually not really hungry anymore. We feel more inclined to have dessert or something else.

At that point we should learn to stop eating.

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