Perfect Abs With The Hypopressive Method

While the hypopressive method does not put pressure on your back, it is still important to make sure that you do this method correctly to avoid injuries and other unwanted problems.
Perfect abs with the hypopressive method

We all want perfect abs, right? But people who want to lose weight often experience the most difficulty with the weight around their waist.  This is because fat accumulates much faster and easier on this part of the body than on other parts.

Over the years, dozens of different exercises and training schedules have been devised to train and trim the abdomen. However, experts in this field have made it clear several times that to achieve the desired results it is essential to also do enough cardio and maintain a healthy diet.

What most people are looking for are ways to tone the abs with exercises that target this muscle group only.

That is why in this article we share a simple routine that uses the hypopressive method and that you can easily perform yourself at home for the perfect abs. Have you ever heard of this method and the benefits it offers?

What Are Hypopressive Abs Exercises?

Hypopressive abdominal exercises consist of a series of poses and breathing techniques that can help you achieve great results when it comes to slimming and shaping your abdomen.

These exercises can help strengthen your abs and lower back by using a technique that involves tightening your diaphragm while holding your breath.  This creates inward pressure and activates the pelvic floor and abdominal wall.

The difference between this method and traditional methods is the pressure you put on your abdomen and the organs in this area with this method.

What are the benefits of the hypopressive method?

ABS Workout

Hypopressive exercises are a great addition to exercises like plank and other exercises that target the abs.

This method requires a little more effort, but the results are well worth the effort.

The main benefits include:

  • Slimmer and toned stomach
  • Improves your posture and balance
  • Strengthens the abdominal musculature
  • Reduces stress and anxiety
  • Strengthens your pelvic floor and keeps urine leakage under control
  • Improves your physical performance and prevents injuries

How do I apply the hypopressive method to get perfect abs?

To perform this simple exercise, it is important to understand the following steps:

  • The starting position
  • Breathe in
  • Holding your breath while trying to raise your diaphragm at the same time (fifteen to thirty seconds)
  • exhale

You can perform these steps in several ways. However, for best results, it’s smart to change position between each phase.

Perfect Abs

Start position

  • To start, stand up straight with your legs shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent.
  • Then bend your torso forward and form a circle with your arms, as if you were trying to hug someone.
  • Keep your back straight and look straight ahead.

Breathe in

  • Stay in this position and then inhale. Try to expand your chest as much as possible. As you feel your abdomen contract slowly, focus on the pose and try to hold the pose for at least a few seconds.

hold your breath

  • All you need to do in this step is hold your breath for ten to fifteen seconds.


  • Exhale slowly as you return to your normal position.
  • Try to maintain a steady rhythm, rest for twenty seconds and then repeat the exercise one more time.

Tips for the best results

Flat stomach

While this method is known for its ability to help people achieve the perfect abs, it’s important to understand that it’s not a miracle technique or magic trick.

To make sure you get the best results from the above exercise, it’s important to keep the following basics in mind:

  • Concentrate on performing each step correctly, maintaining proper posture throughout the exercise to avoid injury and other problems.
  • If you have any doubts, please consult a professional trainer.
  • It’s important to be consistent. It would be best to perform this exercise twice a day, as doing the exercise only occasionally will make very little difference.
  • The best time to do this exercise is in the morning, but if you don’t have time in the morning, you can of course do the exercise at another time.
  • Don’t do this exercise right after you eat or just before going to bed.
  • You will not immediately see a difference after one day, but after a month there should already be some improvement.

Are you ready to take on the challenge? Are you going for perfect abs? Try this method yourself at home and don’t forget to also maintain a healthy lifestyle to get that perfect tummy.

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