Plants That Help You Fall Asleep

Herbs are one of the most recommended options for promoting calmness. Besides that you can drink it as a tea, you can also benefit from it in other ways.
Plants that help you fall asleep

If you have trouble falling asleep  or you wake up during the night and you can’t fall back asleep, you can reap the benefits of some homemade teas.

In this article, we want to tell you  about the best plants to fall asleep with. They will also help you wake up energized and fit in the morning.

Plants that help you fall asleep

Drinking a delicious tea that also helps you sleep better at night may seem impossible. Still, there are many plants that can help us with this common problem. They help people who live in the busy, noisy city or have too many worries.

Note the following  herbs with a relaxing and soothing effect. They will help you sleep better.


This is  one of the best known herbs and it helps you sleep thanks to its calming effects. It has been used for centuries. It was even known in Rome and Greece for its relaxing properties.

Valerian originates from Asia, although it also grows a lot in Europe and America. The extract is used in both medication and phytotherapy.

This plant contains a lot of essential oil with relaxing and antispasmodic properties. It also helps to  combat anxiety and stress. It increases the number of hours of undisturbed sleep. This plant also gives a wonderfully calm feeling.

You can drink three cups of tea a day.


Lavender to sleep better

Lavender, known for its beautiful color and fragrance, is  one of the most relaxing herbs in existence. It helps you get into a deep sleep.

  • Drinking lavender tea before going to bed means  a wonderful and restorative night’s sleep. Your body and mind will rest completely. Moreover, you are able to leave stress, anxiety and depression behind.
  • You can also  use lavender essential oil as a perfume for your pillows and pajamas. This acts as a natural relaxant.
  • Another option is to take a bath with lavender sprigs in the water.


Also known as passiflora, this plant is very effective in helping you fall asleep. This is because it  stimulates natural sleep. 

  • It is recommended for people who are not getting enough sleep. It also helps people who suddenly wake up in the middle of the night. It is the perfect means to get a peaceful, relaxing and restorative sleep.
  • Passionflowers are also  used as a natural remedy for stress and anxiety. 
  • This sedative gives you better general well-being. In addition, it is  a great source of  alkaloids. The active ingredient in alkaloid is also used in medicinal tranquilizers.

You can drink it as a tea or take it in the form of capsules.


Tilia to sleep better

Lime tea is also known as tilleul (named after the plant genus Tilia).  This is one of the most powerful herbs for better sleep, as it is  relaxing, soothing and soothing. 

  • This is an antispasmodic. This  relaxes your muscles. 
  • It lowers  blood pressure and opens your airways. 
  • It contains many components similar to those in valerian.
  • It also has diuretic properties, so  we don’t recommend drinking it before going to sleep, but better during the evening. 


This herb is known for its white and yellow flowers and its delicious taste as a tea. Chamomile belongs to the composite family. It has been used for centuries for relaxing and soothing treatments.

  • Besides drinking it as a tea, you can also use it as an extract, capsules and essential oil.
  • Chamomile relaxes your muscles thanks to the apigenin component. This  calms your entire central nervous system. 
  • This plant  stimulates sleep and makes you fall asleep earlier. 

hop flowers

Hop to sleep better

These flowers are divided into two groups: male and female. The latter, with their conical shape, are the ones we recommend to treat insomnia naturally.

  • They contain a significant amount of volatile oils that help relax your brain.
  • Hop flowers are also good for regulating fears and neuroses.
  • Among the many applications, a few stand out. It stimulates your appetite, it is a natural antiseptic and a powerful diuretic. That is why we recommend that you do not drink this at night.


This is often used in cooking. Rosemary adds flavor to your meals and is also known for its intense fragrance.

This herb consists of:

  • flavonoids
  • minerals
  • essential oil
  • phenols

All these ingredients  stimulate the relaxation of your muscles and help you fall asleep better. 

You can drink rosemary as a tea or you can use this aromatic herb in your meals.

St. John’s wort

This is a medicinal plant that is mainly used in the  treatment of depression and anxiety. It is also used to treat insomnia.

St. John’s wort  increases the production of serotonin in your brain. This is the hormone that regulates your sleep.

It can be drunk as a tea or taken as a capsule. You can find both options in the health food store.

Other plants that can help you sleep better include:

  • lemon balm
  • coin
  • lemon verbena
  • poppy
  • verbena

Try them out!

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