Potato Juice To Stimulate Hair Growth

Both the potato itself and the skin of potatoes can help prevent hair loss and stimulate new hair growth. It will also make your hair shinier at the same time. 
Potato juice to stimulate hair growth

When stimulating hair growth, you probably don’t immediately think of potato juice. That’s too bad. Because of all the hair problems that both men and women suffer from today, hair loss remains the number one.

This condition, which can be caused by various factors, is both a beauty and health problem. It can also be an indication of a nutritional deficiency. Hair loss can also be caused by genetic factors and luckily there is usually a solution.

Hair growth and hair loss

Hair loss can be associated with experiencing problems with new hair growth. In addition, the hair does not stay healthy and it does not grow long.

Because so many people have a strong need to combat these kinds of symptoms, hundreds of chemicals have been developed in the beauty industry that can help improve the appearance and health of your hair. However, not everyone has a preference for these products. Sometimes these products are also way too expensive to use them regularly.

Natural alternatives for hair growth stimulation

Fortunately, there are also great natural alternatives, such as potato juice, which are highly valued when it comes to natural beauty treatments. When you use potato juice on your hair, it can stimulate hair growth. It is possible to have stronger and healthier hair within a few days.

How can potato juice stimulate hair growth?

Hair Brushing

Potato juice as an alternative hair treatment is a great way to provide your hair with essential nutrients such as vitamins A, B and C.  Deficiency of these vitamins can cause your hair structure to weaken as well as dry out and fall out .

Potato juice also provides important minerals such as calcium, manganese, zinc and iron,  minerals that play an important role for both health and beauty.

One of the ways to take advantage of these benefits is to regularly incorporate potatoes into your meals, but the best way to solve these problems is to apply potato juice directly to your hair.

How do you make potato juice for your hair?


There are several ways to use potatoes to prevent hair loss. The juice of potatoes is one of the best options as it is an effective solution that contains all the vitamins that this vegetable offers.


  • 4 potatoes
  • ½ cup water (100 ml)


  • First of all, wash the potatoes and cut them into large chunks.
  • Place the potato pieces in the blender along with half a cup of water and blend until the ingredients are well mixed.
  • Once you’ve made a mixture that has a puree-like consistency, press the pulp through a cheesecloth and transfer it to a container.
  • Once you have separated the juice from the pulp, you can apply the following treatment.


  • To stimulate hair growth and make your hair grow thicker and healthier, you should first apply the potato juice to your scalp and massage it gently into the skin.
  • Then divide the remaining juice over the rest of your hair and cover your hair with a shower cap.
  • Wait twenty to twenty-five minutes and then rinse the juice with warm or cold water.

To see the best results, you should use this juice every day. Once you see improvement, you can continue by using this juice at least three times a week. In addition to its ability to support healthy hair growth, this treatment will also make your hair shinier and fuller.

Potato water for stronger hair

potato water

The pulp of potatoes is not the only part of the potato that you can use to care for your hair. By using the peel, you can make a different kind of juice that will strengthen your hair and complement the above hair loss treatment.


  • potato peelings
  • 1 liter of water


  • Wash the potato skins thoroughly to remove all soil. Then bring the peels to a boil in a liter of water.
  • After the peels have boiled for a few minutes, remove the pan from the heat and let the water cool.


  • You can use this cooking liquid to rinse your hair after shampooing.
  • Repeat this two or three times a week for best results.

What’s even better is that this remedy will not only improve hair growth; it is also a good natural conditioner for more radiant and less damaged hair.

As you can see, it is therefore more than worth it to see if potatoes can also help you improve the health of your hair. Although you won’t see immediate results, people who regularly consume potatoes swear by the many benefits this vegetable offers.

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