Powerful Remedy For High Blood Pressure And Cholesterol

Do you suffer from high blood pressure or high cholesterol? We present you a great natural remedy based on ginger and garlic. You can make it yourself at home. Try it!

A high blood pressure and cholesterol levels, two cardiovascular disease. We notice that they are more common year after year, because we lead more and more sedentary lives.

When you suffer from high blood pressure or cholesterol, the heart has to work too much. This affects circulation and the health of the arteries.

But most worrisome is that both conditions develop silently. They are usually not diagnosed until they have progressed to an advanced stage. As a result, the risk of conditions such as arteriosclerosis, heart attacks and stroke increases.

In addition, the quality of life of the person suffering from high blood pressure or cholesterol decreases. Both conditions do not only affect the cardiovascular system. They also affect the functioning of other body systems.

Fortunately, we can prepare some remedies at home. They will help us to tackle these conditions in a safe and effective way. Thanks to the properties of some natural ingredients, we can make a beneficial remedy.

In this article we describe a ginger and garlic based recipe. It is very useful and will help you to treat high blood pressure and cholesterol. This is due to the high amount of nutrients in both ginger and garlic.

Find out more about it in this article!

Fight high blood pressure and cholesterol with a ginger and garlic remedy

This is a natural remedy based on ginger and garlic. It’s an old recipe used to lower blood pressure and levels of bad cholesterol (LDL).

These ingredients stand out because of their anti-inflammatory, blood purifying and vasodilator properties. Once the body has absorbed them, they make it easier to control both conditions.

We want to emphasize that this remedy is not a miracle cure or anything like it. However, it can still be of great help to people who have been diagnosed with these problems.

The beneficial effects of ginger

An active ingredient in ginger is gingerol. That is the element that causes the main positive effects of ginger in fighting high blood pressure and cholesterol.

  • Gingerol is also the ingredient that gives ginger its specific spicy taste. In addition , it acts as a natural anti-inflammatory. It is therefore ideal for alleviating circulatory problems.
  • The detoxifying effect of ginger promotes cleansing of the blood. This therefore reduces the accumulation of lipids on the artery walls.
  • It also has a mild diuretic effect. Thus, it helps to remove moisture that is retained in the body tissues. This regulates the presence of mineral salts. In addition, it makes it easier to control blood pressure.

The positive effects of garlic

Since ancient times, garlic has been considered one of the best foods to promote cardiovascular health. This is due to the high concentration of allicin, a sulfur component in garlic. Onions also contain this component.

  • Allicin has anti-inflammatory and vasodilator properties and acts as an anticoagulant. All of these features are key to regulating blood pressure and preventing cholesterol from building up.
  • In addition, garlic has a detoxifying effect. This improves the processes that filter the blood. The better filtering of the blood reduces the build-up of toxins and other harmful particles in the bloodstream.
  • We would like to add that garlic contains an important amount of vitamins and minerals. These strengthen the heart muscle and arteries.

How do you prepare this ginger and garlic remedy at home?

To further enhance the properties of ginger and garlic, we will also use the qualities of apple cider vinegar, lemon and honey when preparing this remedy.

The result of the combination of all these ingredients is a powerful natural recipe. If you use it regularly, it will prevent an infinite number of diseases. While this remedy helps to improve cardiovascular health, it also strengthens the immune system and promotes lung health.

What ingredients do you need for this remedy?

  • 1 teaspoon ground ginger (5 ml)
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • ½ cup lemon juice (125 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon honey (25 g)
  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar (10 g)

How do you prepare it?

  • Pour the lemon juice into a glass bowl. Then add the ground ginger and crushed garlic.
  • Use a wooden spoon to mix everything well. Then add the honey and apple cider vinegar.
  • Close the bowl tightly. Leave it like this for 24 hours.
  • Shake it several times so that all the ingredients are well mixed.
  • After 24 hours, take a full spoonful on an empty stomach. Repeat for each main meal.
  • Keep the rest of the remedy in the refrigerator. Use it daily.
  • Remember that you will not see results immediately. However, you will start to feel better after just a few days.

If you want to achieve positive results with this treatment, you will also need to improve your eating habits and exercise daily.

Combine all these factors. This is the most effective way to manage high blood pressure and cholesterol before other complications develop.

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