Protect Yourself From Malicious Relatives

We can’t just drop our relatives. They share our blood and the relationship can be complicated. If you don’t want to be manipulated, you have to protect yourself and set boundaries. Letting people know how you feel isn’t selfish, it’s fair.
Protect yourself from malicious family members

Everyone has someone like that in the family: a family member who only thinks of himself. They are manipulative and play with our emotions. It’s complicated, because these people still have a close relationship with us. So what can we do to protect ourselves from these malevolent relatives?

Malicious relatives: when the family suffers

Experts have shown that having malicious relatives in our lives can seriously damage our general well-being.

For example, if we have friends who are selfish and manipulative, we can always end the friendship and make new friends,  who offer more stability and integrity. But what happens when that manipulative person is your mother, brother, or even partner? We understand that this is not easy.

You can’t just end your relationship with your mother, brother or mother-in-law. There are many complex and difficult emotions and feelings involved. They are our flesh and blood and it is difficult to break such a bond.

But some people should do better anyway for their own health. These relationships can explode. Malicious relatives can seriously undermine your emotional balance.

An example of this is parents who do not allow their children to choose their own partner or parents who criticize their children’s friendships and relationships.

We all make mistakes, but what should you do when your sibling wants to hurt you emotionally? How do we respond to that? Below you will find the necessary answers.

1. Set boundaries: know what you want and what you don’t allow

Set limits when it comes to malicious family members

Let’s take a look at an example. You go to your partner’s parents’ house for dinner and they made something very spicy.

You know that you don’t like spicy food and that your digestive system can’t tolerate it, but in order not to attract attention and not to upset anyone, you choose to keep quiet and just eat the dish.

However, every time you visit your in-laws now, you get spicy food, until you can’t help but say that you can’t tolerate spicy food. You will probably hear something like “Why didn’t you say that before?”

This is an easy example where we want to show you how to let people know what you accept and what you don’t. So if you can’t visit your mother every afternoon or don’t want to go shopping with your sister, just let them know.

If you don’t want anyone to tell you how to raise your kids, tell them. Make your voice heard without scolding. Always speak calmly and with respect. You don’t want to burn bridges by expressing yourself too hard. This is not selfish, you are just being honest.

2. Learn to be assertive without being condescending

Learn to be assertive towards malicious family members

Sometimes we keep things to ourselves because we don’t want to hurt family members, such as when parents and grandparents keep complaining that they are alone, even though we spend a lot of time taking care of them.

If siblings say you’re not doing enough to support them, be assertive and tell them the truth with respect : “I’ll come when I can and you know you can always count on me when you need me.” “You know I’m always there for you, but don’t ask me to do things I can’t do.

I’ve been having a hard time lately too and wish you could understand that.” Be honest and sincere and say how you feel. Let everyone know what you can and cannot do. Show them that you also have needs and that you want to be respected.

3. Support your family unconditionally, but also take care of your own needs

When it comes to malicious family members, your family comes first

We know that family always comes first. Even though they are a part of our lives, their presence can also be very destructive.

Some people were abused or mistreated during their childhood. Maintaining a cordial relationship with such malicious relatives will never be possible, that much is obvious.

It is essential that you always take care of your self-confidence, to know that you are a mature and balanced person with a daily need to be happy.

If someone in your family is harming you, it’s important to distance yourself in order to maintain your integrity, self-esteem, and composure.

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