Protect Yourself From Negativity

It is not only important that you protect yourself from negative people, but also that you realize that you have to be optimistic in life in order to be happy.
Protect yourself from negativity

Chances are you know someone who is seemingly always in a bad mood and tends to transfer this bad mood to those around him/her. These types of people have a low tolerance for frustration and have become accustomed to reacting with negativity when things don’t go the way they expected.

How can we protect ourselves from negativity and from people who have a pessimistic view of life?

Why are some people always in a bad mood?

Some people live in a pessimistic world. This pessimism is a kind of negativity that affects not only their own lives, but also the lives of those around them.

Experts indicate that behind this pessimistic veil lies constant irritability and deep dissatisfaction with oneself. These people are victims of themselves.

They cannot get rid of the dissatisfaction they have with their idea of ​​reality. Instead of looking for ways to change this, they sulk all day long.

While this condition may never turn into full-blown depression, these people can suffer from low self-esteem. In order to protect themselves, they then express this feeling by adopting an apathetic or contemptuous attitude.

There may be only a drop missing from the glass, and yet these people see it as half empty. They are full of mistrust and unable to enjoy the beautiful and fun things around them. In addition, they have a special talent for transferring this negativity to other people.

Sayings of negative people

You often hear statements like “If you do that, it probably won’t end well” and “It’s not even worth trying, you’re not good at that sort of thing anyway”. While we do our best to ignore these kinds of statements, they can be very discouraging at times.

Especially in situations like this:

  • If the negative person in question is a family member: father, mother, partner…
  • If the negative person in question has some kind of power over us, like your boss at work.

These are people in our lives that we have to face quite often and they can have a strong influence on our lives. The negativity of these people touches us deeply and forces us to stand up for ourselves every day. Therefore, in this article, we will tell you how to protect yourself from negativity.

Tips to protect yourself from the negativity of negative people

Set boundaries

To jump

Remember that some of these negative people can be very close to you. This means that they will most likely have some influence on you sooner or later. It’s all the easier for them to influence you when you’re not on your guard. We have to be very careful about this.

The negative behavior, feelings, and comments these people provide can destroy our self-esteem, leaving us hurt.

We must limit their negative reasoning.

  • For example, if such a person asks you why you are giving the presentation instead of someone else, you answer by saying that you are giving the presentation because you think you are capable of doing so.
  • Or when that person says, “Why are you even looking at him/her? He/she is way too handsome for you.” Then you answer by saying, “I watch because I am worth as much as anyone else and I have the right to be happy”.

We need to set clear boundaries for these types of people who are always trying to harm us with their comments.

Make it clear that they are the one with a problem


This can be tricky. Despondency and low self-esteem keep a negative person from simply enjoying life time and again.  Let these people know that they are wrong. In fact, make it clear to them that you are not like them.

Smile when they have a negative comment. Say something like, “Only positive people can understand this, only positive people are really able to appreciate what it means to be alive.”

Sometimes behind the feelings of mistrust these negative people have is a feeling of jealousy. It is always good to tell these people that their perception of reality will only cause them problems. You simply have to learn to see these people as unhappy people.

Don’t let them affect you in any way.

Be assertive


Being assertive is pretty much the best solution for protecting yourself from the kind of people who want to harm you. Always be aware of what you want for yourself. And what you want most is just to be happy, to live your life and show the people around you that you can achieve anything you set your mind to.

You won’t get ahead by paying attention to negative comments like these:

  • “It is not worth it”.
  • “You can’t do it.”
  • “It’s not going to work.”

Life is a learning experience and yes, you may make mistakes every now and then, but you don’t let that put you off and just try to finish what you started. You have to be assertive. Say out loud what you want. Set your limits and show no fear. Negative people are the ones who are afraid, not you.

It is essential to open our emotional umbrella to protect ourselves from negative personalities that we encounter all too often. If possible, it might be worth trying to convince these people that it takes optimism to be happy.

We need to strengthen our self-esteem and remember that we all have a right to be happy and that we are completely capable of achieving this happiness on our own. So let’s get started today!

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