Protecting The Kidneys And Bladder With 7 Foods

Watermelon is not only rich in water. It also promotes urine production and purification of the kidneys. In addition, it contains high amounts of fiber and antioxidants that take care of blood health.

The kidneys and bladder play a key role in our body. That’s not just because they’re essential to the urinary system. But they also interact with the liver. They actually remove the waste that is filtered out of the bloodstream. So it is important that we protect the kidneys and bladder.

For starters, the kidneys are responsible for filtering and purifying about two hundred liters of blood per day. The bladder stores the urine produced until it is discharged.

Both organs perform these tasks as part of their biological processes. But sometimes difficulties arise. They are a result of the excessive build-up of toxins or the development of infections and inflammatory problems.

For that reason, we recommend that you adopt some habits that will help strengthen their functions. This is also especially important with regard to your diet.

So we can take advantage of the properties of certain foods. Because when the body absorbs these nutrients, they strengthen our organs. The effect is that they continue to work without any problems. So you can protect the kidneys and bladder by watching your diet.

Do you know which foods are beneficial for the kidneys?

7 foods to protect the kidneys and bladder

1. With cranberries you can protect the kidneys and bladder

Cranberries contain a large amount of essential nutrients. That is why we consider them to be one of the best foods to protect the urinary system.

  • The antioxidants in cranberries support the process of removing toxins. In addition, they strengthen the functioning of the kidneys and ensure optimal production of urine.
  • They also have anti-inflammatory properties. They help to prevent problems such as cystitis. Because this disease often affects the bladder.
  • In addition, by eating these berries, you can prevent the bacteria and viruses from attacking the tissues of these organs. That way you prevent infections.
  • They are also a complementary remedy for kidney stones. That’s because they remove calcium and uric acid deposits.

2. Celery

Celery is a diuretic vegetable. It has been used for centuries as a remedy for ailments that affect the kidneys.

  • Celery contains high amounts of potassium. This mineral promotes the drainage of retained fluids. So it will prevent ignition problems.
  • In addition, the antioxidants in celery support the breakdown and elimination of toxins. This makes it easier for them to pass through the urinary tract.
  • Celery also has anti-inflammatory properties. They reduce the risk of developing kidney and bladder disorders. So with celery you can protect both organs, the kidneys and the bladder.

3. Watermelon

Protect the kidneys and bladder with watermelon

This well-known tropical fruit contains water and powerful antioxidants. Both ingredients help to hydrate the body. In this way they improve the functioning of the urinary system.

  • So eat watermelon regularly. Because it reduces inflammation due to fluid build-up. This is one of the factors that interfere with the functions of the kidneys.
  • It also works as a natural remedy for cystitis. This is because it stimulates urine production to remove the bacteria that build up on the bladder wall.
  • Watermelon also contains potassium and magnesium. Those are two minerals that participate in the work of the kidneys.
  • The fiber and antioxidants in watermelon also help filter out the toxins present in the blood. This prevents excessive amounts of toxic substances from building up.

4. Pineapple

Pineapple is one of the best foods to protect kidney and immune system health.

  • The main benefits of pineapple come from the high amount of bromelain it contains. Because this component is a powerful enzyme that helps to break down the toxins that need to be filtered out of the blood.
  • This element also provides pineapple with its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. They are ideal for reducing the risk of infections in the urinary system.
  • In addition, pineapple contains vitamins A and C. They help to strengthen our defense mechanisms. This improves our response to attacks of germs.
  • It also helps calm bladder irritation and reduces the risk of kidney stones.

5. Strawberries

Strawberries are full of antioxidants and essential nutrients that support kidney function. They thus avoid the difficulties that result from the accumulation of liquids and toxins.

  • For example, the vitamins and minerals in strawberries help to control the inflammatory processes. In this way, they reduce the risk of organ failure.
  • They also prevent the negative effects of free radicals responsible for cellular oxidation.
  • In addition, they restore the balance in the fluids. In this way they ensure optimal urine production.

6. Spinach

Eating spinach has become popular in recent years. That’s because  it’s a low-calorie food that provides us with important essential nutrients.

  • It is beneficial for the urinary system because it has diuretic properties. That stimulates the removal of fluids.
  • The antioxidants in spinach also improve the kidneys’ process of filtering toxins out of the blood. At the same time, they counteract the negative influence of free radicals.
  • Spinach also acts as a bladder tonic. It prevents the irritation of the tissues in the bladder, which occurs in case of bacterial infections. So spinach can protect the kidneys and bladder.

7. Parsley

Especially when you make an infusion of parsley, you can use it as a natural remedy. Because it helps to detoxify the kidneys and thus prevents chronic diseases.

  • Parsley also contains chlorophyll, antioxidants and natural fiber that promote waste removal. As a result, this prevents waste from building up in the kidney tissue.
  • In addition, it helps to relieve the inflammation of the urinary tract. This is especially true in the case of kidney stones and infections.
  • Parsley also expels urine. Thus, it accelerates the relief of fluid retention.

Do you suffer from a urinary tract infection? Are you concerned that you have bladder or kidney problems? Then try to eat more of these foods and take advantage of their beneficial effects.

But you should also not forget to supplement your diet by drinking water every day. What this fluid is essential for the health of these organs.

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