Relieving Rheumatoid Arthritis With Medicinal Remedies

It is always necessary to consult a specialist for the most appropriate means. Still, these natural remedies can be a great help in the fight against the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.
Relieving Rheumatoid Arthritis With Medicinal Remedies

Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory disease that can affect multiple joints in the body. It is an autoimmune disease in which the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks the lining of the joints. Normally, the immune system protects the body against infections.

In this article, we will introduce you to some medicinal remedies that relieve rheumatoid arthritis. Of course, the severity and duration of this condition can vary greatly from person to person. In general, though, rheumatoid arthritis flares usually include:

  • joint pain
  • swellings
  • stiffness
  • general fatigue

These symptoms can interfere with activities in your daily life. They can also differ in intensity. In addition, the causes of this disease are often external factors such as stress, infections or simply insufficient rest.

If you have rheumatoid arthritis, you should follow medical advice. However, there are also some natural remedies that can help relieve the pain and stiffness.

Before trying any of these natural home remedies, we recommend that you ask your doctor which remedies are best for you.

Medicinal Remedies That Relieve Rheumatoid Arthritis

Fighting the Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Below we discuss some medicinal remedies that you can apply at home. They can help relieve rheumatoid arthritis.

1. Turmeric

The active ingredients in turmeric have anti-inflammatory properties. Turmeric has also been shown to help improve blood circulation.

In addition, a study published in 2016 confirms that turmeric extract appears to reduce arthritis symptoms. However, more research is needed. Still, you can use this herb as a coloring agent or as an added ingredient to your drinks and recipes.

2. Nettle tea

Nettle tea can also be an excellent natural remedy for rheumatoid arthritis. This plant has diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties. They help to remove the impurities from the blood.

These properties of nettle can also be great for treating the pain and swelling caused by arthritis.

Eating or drinking nettle regularly is also very good for excreting uric acid. So that means that this tea is also a home remedy for gout and arthritis.

However, it is important that you do not drink it if you are taking other diuretics or medications intended to lower your blood pressure.

3. Ginger Helps Rheumatoid Arthritis

Ginger is recommended for people with chronic pain and swelling. You can add it to your meals or take supplements that contain ginger.

On the other hand, ginger essential oil also contains other components that relieve the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. A 2016 study found that using ginger essential oil can reduce chronic inflammation of the joints.

4. Orange, Garlic and Parsley Juice

By combining these natural ingredients we can obtain an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant juice. This juice relieves the negative symptoms of arthritis.

It contains vitamins B and C and minerals (including calcium and potassium). They are fundamental to strengthen the joints.


  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 5 parsley stems
  • the juice of 5 oranges


  • Peel and cut the garlic cloves. That makes it easier to mix in the blender.
  • Then put them in the blender along with the parsley and orange juice. Then mix everything for 3 minutes.
  • Drink this juice immediately.

5. Evening Primrose Oil

Evening Primrose Oil

Evening primrose oil is rich in gamma-linolenic acid. This is a type of omega 6 fatty acid. When you ingest it, the body converts it into a powerful anti-inflammatory compound.

So it can help to reduce the symptoms of arthritis such as:

  • sensitivity
  • joint pain
  • stiffness

Evening primrose oil also contains beta-amyrin. This is also an anti-inflammatory component.

The Arthritis Foundation recommends that people with arthritis should take between 540 mg and 2.8 grams of evening primrose oil daily. You should nevertheless divide it into several doses and take it for at least 6 months.

However, also remember to be careful with the intake of evening primrose oil and take it in moderation. This is necessary to prevent liver damage. This plant contains potentially harmful compounds called pyrrolizidine alkaloids .

6. Basil

Basil contains a wide variety of components that may be therapeutic. In addition, basil essential oil contains cineole. This substance has anti-inflammatory properties.

In addition, it also contains linalool, an ingredient that fights inflammation. In fact, basil essential oil is very effective in reducing joint swelling.

Finally, you should also remember to see a specialist if you have symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. It is important to treat this condition as soon as possible. That way you can improve your quality of life.

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