Should You Eat Fruit With Or Without Peel?

In this article, we’ll show you why it’s a good idea to eat fruit with the skin on and how to do it right without risking hygiene.
Should you eat fruit with or without the skin?

The skin of fruits is a very interesting element from a nutritional point of view. A number of experts advise that we should not eat fruit with skins, due to the possible presence of heavy metals or potentially harmful chemicals.

However, the peel is rich in nutrients and elements that you need to stay in good health. Below we show you what these nutrients are and what measures you should take to eat fruit with the skin without putting yourself at risk.

The peels of fruit provide a lot of fiber

While not all fruit peels are edible, they all contain a significant amount of fiber. Fiber is positive for colon cancer prevention, improving gastrointestinal transit and reducing the incidence of other complex diseases.

The regular consumption of fiber also improves the quality of the microbiota and biodiversity. This can have a positive influence on many other bodily functions.

You should not forget that an adequate intake of fiber slows down digestion and therefore the absorption of sugars. It therefore produces a lower peak insulin and causes less stress on the pancreas. In a world where diabetes has become an endemic disease, any strategy to prevent it is welcome.

The skin of fruit also contains nutrients

Fruit peels are usually high in vitamins and minerals and consuming them improves your micronutrient intake. In some cultures and countries, the peels are fried to make them suitable for consumption or even to make tea, allowing the vitamins they contain to go to the water.

This is because most of the vitamins in fruits are water soluble. They can therefore move from the peel to the warm water. Similarly, it is quite common to use lemon zest to spice up salads.

On the other hand, the skins of some fruits are rich in antioxidants. These substances are essential to prevent oxidation and aging and to fight the formation of free radicals.

A regular intake of antioxidants is also essential to ensure good health. Therefore, you should not throw away the skins of fruits, as they are great sources of these substances.

The risk of pesticides

The experts who argue for the consumption of peeled fruit rely on the possible presence of chemicals on the peel. To avoid the ingestion of these substances, it is necessary to wash the fruit thoroughly before it is suitable for consumption.

It is therefore a good idea to put the piece of fruit under the tap and rub it in a little to ensure good hygiene. Even wiping with a damp cloth may be sufficient.

Experts advise pregnant women not to consume the peel of fruits to avoid possible poisoning from toxoplasmosis. If they do want to eat it, they have to disinfect the fruit with a product that kills the possible bacteria.

Another reason you should wash fruit thoroughly before consuming it is to remove wax. Normally , these substances are used to improve the visual quality of the product in the market.

Waxes are usually applied to inedible fruit peels using aerosol cans. However, it is best to wash them all to avoid ingesting unwanted chemicals.

Still, it is always preferable to choose ecological or trusted varieties rather than those sold in supermarkets or large chains. This way you have access to often cleaner and healthier products that contain fewer chemicals and have a better organoleptic quality.

Eating fruit with or without skin: conclusion

Man washes his vegetables

So, in principle, you should always eat fruit with the skin on. The skin of fruit contains necessary substances for your body such as:

  • Fiber
  • vitamins
  • Antioxidants

However, you should clean the fruit before consuming it to avoid unwanted ingestion of chemicals. Buy fruits from trusted places that guarantee their quality and wash with water before consuming to reduce the presence of pesticides on the skin.

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