Six Exercises To Eliminate Belly Fat

To reduce belly fat, it is not only important to maintain a balanced diet, but also to do some targeted exercises that get longer and more intense as time goes by.
Six exercises to eliminate belly fat

Most people are aware that it is by no means easy to eliminate belly fat  and that it takes a lot of effort and effort.

Unfortunately, excess fat that builds up as a result of a sedentary lifestyle or poor eating habits quickly shows on the stomach.

Since everyone likes to look fit and healthy, there are plenty of ways to eliminate belly fat and reach your desired weight. However, many people fail in their attempts to get that slim belly of their dreams because it takes more than a good diet and slimming creams. Exercise is absolutely essential.

This habit is key not only to burning more calories, but also to shaping and strengthening the muscles in this part of the body.

We’ve all heard the excuse that someone doesn’t have time to go to the gym. That is why in this article we share the six best exercises to eliminate belly fat that you can easily do at home.

Exercises to Eliminate Belly Fat

1. Crunches


Crunches shape the abdomen and prevent fat deposits around your waist.


  • Lie on your back on a yoga mat and keep your knees bent.
  • Put your hands behind your head and then, without bending your neck, lift your torso until you reach about a forty-degree angle. Try to control your breathing.
  • Do twenty to thirty reps. Take a thirty second break and then continue. Do a total of three sets.
  • If you feel that the exercise is too light for you, you can do five sets instead of three sets.

2. Lateral Abs Exercises

Lateral abs exercises are great for eliminating belly fat. These exercises require a lot of strength and a lot of concentration.


  • Lie on your side with your legs straight.
  • Keep one hand flat on the floor and your other arm bent so that you form a triangle with your head.
  • Then lift your upper body and try to touch your waist with your elbow.
  • Do eight to thirty reps. Rest thirty seconds.
  • Do a total of three sets.
  • Turn around and repeat the same procedure on the other side.

3. The shelf


The plank is a form of strength training in which you use almost all the muscles in your body. When you perform the plank correctly, this exercise will strengthen your lower back, glutes, legs and abs.


  • Lie on your stomach on a yoga mat. Place your forearms on the floor next to your chest and push your body up from your toes. So you only lean on your forearms and your toes.
  • Keep your back straight, your shoulders directly over your elbows and your butt up a little bit.
  • Hold this pose for thirty to forty seconds, rest and then repeat the same three more times.
  • Just like the first two exercises, try doing this exercise every day. Gradually try to hold the pose for longer and longer, until you are finally at two minutes.

4. Lateral Leg Lifts

In this exercise, the emphasis is mainly on the abdomen, buttocks and legs. Try to perform your leg lifts smoothly and gradually increase the intensity.


  • Lie on your left side, rest your head on your forearm, then bend your knees to a 90-degree angle.
  • Then push your hips up and lift your right leg in the air.  Be careful not to strain your muscles.
  • Without lowering your leg, let your hips rest on the floor for a few seconds.
  • Do 12 reps, then switch sides.

5. ‘V’ Crunches

The V-crunch

This is one of many variations of the regular crunch. This interesting exercise puts both your balance and your body strength to the test.


  • Sit on the floor with your hands by your sides. Then lift your legs up, at the same time keeping your back straight and leaning back slightly.
  • This keeps your body in the shape of a ‘V’. This pose requires you to keep your arms straight in front of you to maintain your balance.
  • Then bend your elbows to a 90-degree angle and start moving your arms back and forth. Make sure you stay in the same position at the same time.
  • Try to do this exercise for about 40 to 60 seconds.

6. Classic Crunches

Classic crunches are also a great way to train your abs. This exercise will help to shape and tone your abs as well as slim your waist.


  • Lie on your back on a yoga mat, bend your knees and place your hands behind your head.
  • Then, without lifting your feet or buttocks off the floor, lift your torso up as if you were about to touch your knees.
  • Do 20 reps and then rest. Do a total of three sets.

Remember, of course, there is no miracle routine or habit that will make your tummy go away on its own. Eliminating belly fat takes sacrifice, discipline and a lot of determination.

Get up and get started!

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